3 Powerful Ways To Get (And Stay) Motivated

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You know how there are some people you feel really great being around?

Maybe it’s their energy, positive attitude or humor.

Maybe they make you feel appreciated, loved or inspired. Whatever it is, they are truly a pleasure to be around.

I love to surround myself with people like that.

In fact, as I’ve been going down this path of self-growth and awareness,ย I’ve made a conscious effort to spend more time with people who lift me up and keep me motivated to do my best.

I really think it’s a key to success whether it’s in your health, mind or spirit.

That’s what I’m focusing on in today’s video. Three powerful ways to stay motivated, including surrounding yourself with people who motivate YOU.

When you’re done watching, please give me a holler (down in that lovely comment box) letting me know:

  • Which one of the three motivational ways resonated with you most
  • And how do you plan to take action, my sweet?

Can’t wait to hear from you!

With lots of love and appreciation for you,



Steph :)

lol I recommend you! I have found you to be sooo encouraging in organising my life. P.S Love the Facebook tips atm – I’ve already ordered some goodies to make my life easier – thank you!


Thank you so much Steph! I’m thrilled to hear I’ve helped encourage you to stay motivated and make some change. And so glad the FB vids are helping too. I love doing those. I really appreciate you and your support. xo, mridu

Eusana Moraes

Same here, To stay motivaded I’ve been watching your videos, reading your blog and a few other pips’s blogs that had some success.
I am doing the ‘5 day workshop’ and I have to say that you’ve made things difficult for me today Mridu…today I had to delegate tasks to others in my family… but no luck, no cooperation there! My Shih Tzu won’t help me with any of my tasks… lol. (But she loves me!) So I delegated everything right back to me. I can do it… rs


Great job Rosana! LOL about your shih tzu. ๐Ÿ™‚ You know that even if you don’t have other people in your family you can still delegate. ๐Ÿ™‚ Like hire someone to help with cleaning or cooking or trade something you hate to do with a friend who doesn’t mind it, and vice versa.
Thanks for all your support! You’re awesome! xo, Mridu


LOL! Sorry I can’t change your name once you enter it. But I know it’s a typo. ๐Ÿ™‚

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