Are You Addicted To Technology?

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I wanted to share an awesome email I received this week from a Lifer, (AKA: an amazing Life Is Organized subscriber), who lives in Perth, Australia.

She was inquiring about my latest program and whether she could participate in it (since I’m all the way in Tennessee, USA).

And my response?

“Yes, of course! This is why I LOVE the internet!”

Now I know it’s no big discovery that you can connect with anyone online these days.

Yet, connecting with someone you don’t know, from around the world and forming a bond without ever having met them, still – Blows. My. Mind.

I don’t take this gift for granted.

I mean just the fact that YOU AND I have developed a relationship via this internet stuff, is simply – crazy pants!

However, at the same time, do you feel like you’ve come to rely on technology too much? Do you always feel connected? And that if you don’t stay connected, you’ll miss out on opportunities, news, social events, and life!

I know I do. And at times it drives me cuh-razy!

So I have to make a conscious effort to put some tech boundaries on myself…or my iPhone’s coming to bed with me. (And lets just say that three’s a crowd. ๐Ÿ˜‰

In today’s vid, I’ll tell you about 3 ways that you can break the 24/7 addiction but still stay connected, informed, entertained and up-to-date.

When you’re done watching, please let me know this my sweet friend:

  • Which one of the three tips can you commit to in the next 24 hours?

And in light of this topic, I can’t sign off without giving you a giant, heart-felt thank you.

I know that you’re inundated with technology and the fact that you’d spend your time with me, is humbling. Thank you for your friendship!

With love and appreciation,


Joy Hill Perth, Australia.

Hi Mridu
Thanks for the plug above about me being the Lifer who lives in Perth Australia. Yes, I would like to join your “Awesome” course but it’s now 1.15am and I’m too tired to find my credit card etc and to fight with the enrolment form. Will do it in the morning.
Incidentally, during my culling of papers, last night I rediscovered a box of letters my late mother kept and which go back to 1915 at the beginning of WWI where my late uncle was asking his parents permission to join up to GO TO WAR. Oh, yes, he said he would be alright and felt it was his duty to enlist. He was in the army for three years till 1918 when he was shot dead a few weeks before the war finished.
The rest of the letters were from my father to my mother (both long since dead) in the years before they were married. They are a great treasure so today I bought special acid-free, metal-free plastic sleeves and have put most of them in the sleeves so that my great-great-great-grandchildren can read them. That’s why I’ve stayed up so late!!


OMG Joy! That is THE most amazing treasure ever!! Wow, how incredibly meaningful. I’m blown away that you found letters from a century ago. And excellent that you’re preserving them and not stacking them away again. Thanks so much for sharing this find Joy. xo, mridu


Great ideas! Will start checking emails at different times.
Another thing that might help some people is to leave your iPads tablets ect. In a different room than you sleep.,you won’t want to go looking for them in the middle of the night if you get that urge to check your emAil.


Diana, this is such a great point. It takes a lot more effort to get out of bed and check your phone than if it were on your bedside. Love it! Thanks for sharing! ๐Ÿ™‚ xo, mridu

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