Keep Clutter From Creeping Back

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Do you remember that feeling when you organized your closet? Or your pantry? Or your underwear drawer? Or whatever the last space was that you took action on?

It felt gooo-ooood.

And you were all like: “I’m never gonna let that space become a mess again.” Then you took one last look at that breathtaking area before strutting your amazing don’t-mess-with-me self out of there.

You were confident. Poised. Brilliant.

Until a couple weeks later. And you looked back in there and it was like the s%#& hit the fan!

What the heck happened??

Well, there could be a few reasons for that frustrating upheaval. And I cover one big one in today’s video.

I’d love for you to check it out and let me know what you think. Have you fallen prey to this mistake in the past? (Psst….I have. One too many times. 🙂

But it’s great to know there are others out there who can learn from this experience too – so please don’t forget to let me know about it.

Thank you so much for your time and support, my sweet friend!

With love and appreciation,



Janeann Browning

thank-you for tips. I need lots of help.I am trying to organize my house from moving a yr.ago. Iam working in our2 bedrms. now on my dressers and declutter.


Janeann, I’m so glad I could help you in any way. Remember, break things down into little, bite-size steps and that will help you chip away at each space and each room. You’re doing great!! Thanks so much for stopping by. xo, mridu

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