Clutter Detox!

Take control of all your clutter!

It’s everywhere.

On counters. In corners. In piles. On dressers. On floors. In cabinets. Under beds. Over shelves.


It’s that annoying “stuff” that creeps into your house waaaay faster than you can get a handle on it. It’s CLUTTER! and it makes you CUH-RAZY!! (Not to mention irritable, frustrated and overwhelmed).

So you need to figure out two things:

How to keep clutter from coming in
How to get what you already have….OUT!

And you need the information NOW. That’s why this webinar is a can’t miss class.



  • How to “catch” clutter BEFORE it makes its way through your home
  • Techniques to finally LET. STUFF.GO. (that you’ve been emotionally tied to for years)
  • The most effective clutter elimination strategies
  • The latest clutter-reducing apps (great for eliminating papers!)



6o packed and powerful minutes.

This is a straightforward, no fluff training on my proven methods to deal with, and eliminate, clutter and take control of your home. I’ll share ALL my personal strategies that I use in my own home to keep it clutter-free. If you know me, you know I’m all about SIMPLICITY, so I’ll give you effective strategies that are super EASY to implement.

how it works
Click on the “Sign Me Up” button below to register for the class.
Look out for an email with the details on how to log in.

What’s a webinar?

It’s simply a class you watch online. Once you register, you will be sent a confirmation and a link to the class. You can watch on your own computer, laptop or iPhone.

Wanna hear it again?

No worries! I have you covered. The class is yours forever. It will available on my site for you to watch and listen to, over and over at your leisure.


What Others Have Said About This Class
I love the fun approach and mindset that you have towards clutter and organizing. Gives a fresh look on how to tackle the mundane. Keep the classes coming! You're awesome!
Mary Plut, Hackettstown, NJ
I found myself sharing with my daughter because I was so impressed with the whole process on what needed to be done and how to accomplish my goals realistically. You were right on point. Thanks Mridu.
Sheryl Olschewski, Sonora, CA
This helped me get my mind in organization mode! Thank you!
Lisa Bryan, Reno, Nevada
I'm a visual learner so your slides were helpful. I like how you break things down into a few segments. Made it seem more do-able.
Deb Manke, Chagrin Falls, Ohio
I love the class because it is simple and straight to the point. Mridu distilled the decluttering process into 3 simple and easy steps and shared many tips and concepts on how to implement each step! I highly recommend it!
Tiffany Lo, Silicon Valley, CA
I would highly recommend it to everyone. You make people feel like we are not alone with our clutter and you do not make us feel ashamed. I haven't started yet but now I look at everything in a new light. And the price was great!!
K. Bella
First Tip: Don’t Procrastinate on something so simple to do 😉 Register now!

Mridu, every time I get off the phone with you, I feel super-charged! I stop feeling overwhelmed and know that I’ll have a plan when we’re done. Breaking everything down into baby steps is incredibly helpful and motivating. I can’t wait to jump on a call with you again!”  – Katie G.


Clutter Detox Webinar Training

mridu1Mridu is the creator of motivational training programs that inspire women around the world to live happily – by simplifying their space, time and brain, and leaving perfectionism at the door.

Her humorous and step-by-step approach to “real-life organization” earned her one of theTop 20 Home Office Organizing Experts of 2013 and one of Nashville’s Emerging Business Leaders in 2015.
