You’ll Always Be Stressed Until This Stops

Do you have days when you want to throw in the towel?

Call it quits?

Binge-watch Netflix for the next week straight?

You tell yourself it’s completely natural.

You are the one taking care of everything.

Everyone’s needs. All the emotions. Making sure it all gets done.

And in this hectic phase of your life, you can’t expect to reach your goals and juggle all the balls without having anxiety.

Stress is a natural byproduct of high performers and simply that’s accepted as “normal.”

If you’re nodding your head right now, please stop.

Because you would be absolutely…Wrong!!

Listen, my dear overachiever.

I love you and wish you the best but my job is not to coddle you into believing that just because you manage a lot you’re supposed to feel overwhelmed.

Or that you’re supposed to feel exhausted.

Or that you’re supposed to feel burned out.

Contrary to popular belief, by doing “more” you don’t earn the right to justify your overwhelmed state of operating.

The truth is, if you can’t handle more, don’t do more.

But if that’s not you, (which I’m pretty sure it’s not if you’ve read this far), then let go of your limiting belief that you have to struggle endlessly and constantly burn the candle on both ends to get what you want.

Look, I’m not saying every day is rainbows and unicorns or that every day is easy.

What I am saying is that it shouldn’t be this hard.

I have (and will always have) periods of stress or emergencies that completely throw a wrench in my plans…

BUT…I have the systems and strategies in place to get back on track next week, tomorrow, or even in the next hour.

And just knowing that…simply having the CONFIDENCE that this out of control or flying by the seat of my pants feeling is TEMPORARY – is life-changing.

It is also liberating.

It is also motivating.

It is also…

…extremely awesome.

I love extremely awesome.

You will ALWAYS be stressed out, you will ALWAYS stay stuck where you are if you’ve come to believe that your scatteredness or lack of focus is “normal.”

I can tell you from personal experience that I have a lot going on in my world.

Many people rely on me and I also rely on me to take care of myself.

The truth is, I do feel busy.

But, and I am being totally transparent here, I feel very rewardingly busy.

I feel a deep sense of achievement.

I feel immensely grateful.

I feel more present than ever.

Like you, I do big things. I take on a lot.

But I end each day (ok, most days) feeling fulfilled and happy.

I’d love for you to feel the same way too.

As I mentioned above, I’m not into coddling so you can hear what’s going to keep you safe and stuck in mediocrity.

I’m into helping you get clarity and momentum, so you can get in and out of your day with as much satisfaction, growth, and joy as possible.

It is time to redefine your “new normal.”

It is time to get out of what you’ve accepted as the way it’s “supposed to be.”

I will be with you every step of the way. But you’ve got to meet me halfway and take the very first one.

Join me on a free breakthrough call here.

To getting more of the right things done,


Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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