Why You Might Hate What You Do

I used to hate my business.

I had fallen out of love with what inspired me most.

I wasn’t hitting my revenue goals.

I wasn’t connecting with my tribe the way I’d hoped.

I wasn’t feeling fulfilled the way I used to.

So, I started to resent it.

I blamed it for holding me back, keeping me stuck, and bringing me down.

And now, a few years later I’m madly in love with my biz.

I’m making a significant impact.

I’m beating my goals.

I’m feeling more successful than ever.

What the heck changed?

I FINALLY realized I didn’t hate my business.

I hated the chaos. And the sense of failure that was attached to it.

Juggling all the balls often left me scattered, confused, and running on empty.

Some days I felt completely out of control – like the circumstances around me was calling all the shots.

Other days I simply lost my mojo. Procrastinating and over analyzing what I knew I should be doing.

Over time feeling ineffective plummeted my confidence.

Naturally, all I could think was how much I disliked the business I created and more importantly, the person it was turning me into.


I stopped the blame game and realized it wasn’t my circumstances.

It wasn’t the demands.

It wasn’t the “all the hats” I was wearing.

It was something well beyond the surface.

It was me.

Me getting in my own way of my own success and my own results.

When I realized I needed to work on ME and not my business or the marketing or the social media or the website…everything changed.

I needed clarity.

I needed structure.

I needed systems.

I needed boundaries.

I needed to work on ME.

Confidence builds from a series of micro successes, every day.

And until you consistently have your own personal wins on a daily basis, you will spiral into a self-defeating battle with no one other than…yourself.

It’s a hard pill to swallow.

I know, I had to do it. I continue all the time.

Personal growth isn’t a one-time thing but a continuous thread we weave in our lives day in and day out.

If you’ve fallen out of love with your business, role, or career there’s a good chance you’re actually very good at what you do. And an even better chance that at its very core, you enjoy it too.

It’s the chaos and the nonsense and the noise around it that makes you feel stuck, bored or less than you are really are.

Don’t confuse disliking what you do for disliking how you behave, (as I did).

Come clean with yourself.

If you operated different your results would be different.

If you’re ready to ditch overwhelm and be more fulfilled don’t stay stuck in your indifference or reactivity another month, week, or even day.

Step out of your limiting beliefs and into an empowering reality.

Want to fall back in love with your work, role, or relationship? Let’s jump on a free breakthrough strategy session here.

To getting more of the right things done,



Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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