How To Break Down A Really Overwhelming Project

Organizing a dozen years of a bajillion photos was beyond daunting.

Getting them off our phones and laptops and into albums?

Yeah…maybe I’ll get to them…someday.

When I have more time.

When the kids go to college.

When work isn’t so busy.

And that will probably beeeeee…

…when I hit the lottery and have given up on personal growth.

Was that really something to strive for? 😉

So, I practiced what I preached, got clear on what I wanted and carved out a process to reach my goal.

Now my really overwhelming goal is broken down like this.

Every month I go through my photos from that month, year by year. I select my favorites and add them to that year’s digital album. Here’s what I mean:

In January I selected pics I love from January 2014 and put them in the January 2014 album.

Then I selected pics I love from January 2015 and put them in the January 2015 album.

Then I selected pics I love from January 2016 and put them in the January 2016 album.

And so on.

I’ve been following the same process every month: February, March, April, etc.

I’ve allocated an hour a week for this task, usually late Friday afternoons.

Guess what?

I’m on track and am halfway through (January – June) six years of albums!

So by the end of December, I’ll have all six years complete. (I’ll do the same thing next year for the six years prior and then I’ll be caught up).

Pretty cool, huh?

I bet you’ve had projects or wants or desires or wishes piled up too.

The truth is they won’t get easier the longer they’re procrastinated.

They will get even more daunting.

They will make you feel like more of a failure for not completing them.

Sometimes they’re shorter-term goals like losing 8 pounds, reaching a monthly revenue figure, or planning meals for your family.

Sometimes they’re longer-term goals like writing a book, getting a promotion, or creating new relationships.

Short or long, the process to achieve it (and feel GREAT) is the same.

Here’s what you need:

#1: Clarity on the end result: What are you really trying to achieve and WHY?

#2: A plan to reverse engineer your goal: What are your key milestones and mini-goals along your journey?

#3: A schedule you can commit to: How will you plan your time and other demands/distractions so you can achieve your goal when you want?

With clarity, a plan, and an aligned schedule you can get anything you want.

I don’t say that lightly. I mean it.

Getting what you want is 100% in your control when you know how to develop those three skills.

It’s not hard but it’s not intuitive either.

Especially when you have work, family, dinners, dress-sizes, deadlines, projects and everything else already swirling around in your mind.

If things feel overwhelming in your life, I know you can break down the barriers that are holding you back.

You can pave a doable plan – an achievable roadmap – to get you where you want to go.

If you want to talk about it, just reply to this email. I’d love to brainstorm with you.

To getting more of the right things done,



P.S. I recently had the chance to be on the Read to Lead Podcast (which was awesome!) Check it out if you want to hear more about avoiding distractions, using boundaries, and getting the important things done.

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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