Lost your mojo and desperately want it back?

The last couple weeks I was in a funk.

Felt like I lost my groove and I couldn’t get it back.

Ever feel that way?

Intellectually you know you need to sync. But emotionally and mentally you just can’t shake it off.

Hate that feeling.

Good news is that I AM back on track.

And it was really just a matter of doing it.

Getting back on track, that is.

Once again, I recognized THE most important place to start was with my morning.

I’ve talked about the importance of a solid and uplifting morning routine before.

But after two weeks of feeling off, unproductive and quite frankly, pretty unfulfilled, I want to dive deeper into it.

Let’s start with the basics and squash some beliefs.

An inspiring and motivating morning is not complicated.

It does not have to take a long time.

And you do not have to wake up at 4:30 am to make it work. (Unless you really want to!)

It does, however, require you to get up at least thirty minutes before you start your day (like before getting dressed, waking up the kids, walking the dog, etc).

That was my first mistake.

Between new summer schedules, travel, and mild illness, I completely fell flat on this.

Which meant I hit snooze one too many times, starting my days scattered and frantic, rushing between dressing, meals, email, and getting out the door on time.

On the other inspiring hand…

…When I wake up earlier, I enjoy an awesome cup of coffee, by myself, actually…dare I say it…feeling relaxed.

Who knew it could be so simple?

Wake up earlier. Pour coffee. Enjoy in silence. (Heavenly).

Next, your motivating morning requires a dash of inspiration.

Call it divine intervention, spirituality, empowerment, or a swift kick in the butt by Oprah herself, it’s something emotionally and mentally uplifting.

I typically do this in the form of guided meditation, more specifically beautifully spoken affirmations that I listen to on my phone.

I mean even when I wake up cranky and sleep deprived, hearing from an English goddess about “my unlimited financial balance and how I attract health and happiness” does wonders to my sullen attitude.

Two more simple (and short) activities will pave the way for a far more positive and rewarding day ahead.

Some type of physical movement and…

Some type of writing (journaling).

Neither of which signal “ease” to me.

I’m a natural at the first two – drinking coffee and hearing about my magnetizing personality. Go figure.

But exercising and writing? Can I go back to bed, please!

So here’s how I make it palatable. And doable. And enjoyable. And now, something I actually look forward to.

Movement is just that. Only movement.

So it could be a three-mile run…or…it could be…

  • 7 minutes of yoga
  • 20 minutes of walking
  • 5 minutes of stretching
  • 12 minutes of biking
  • 8 minutes of weight lifting

It doesn’t really matter. It’s just some form of movement to get your blood pumping and your adrenals moving.

Don’t overthink it. Just do.

And finally, writing.

May I borrow a fork? For my eye? 😉

Total transparency, I heard about journaling for years. And rolled my eyes at it. And had really intellectual responses to it like, “whatever.”

Until I shifted from the thought of “journaling” to writing goals.

Now, this was something I could wrap my head around.

Not esoteric feelings…but a to-do list!

Alright, so not exactly a whole to-do list. But every morning I finish this sentence:

“At the end of the day today, I would feel most successful if I completed these 3-5 tasks:_______”

Guess what I do now?

I write my top 3-5 goals for the day…followed by my esoteric feelings!

I started with just writing my goals (which btw, was super clarifying and liberating).

But since I was in my journal anyway, one day I wrote my feelings around my goals. My fears, my challenges, and my successes.

And now I find myself writing about what I have gratitude for, my dreams, my desires, my insecurities, and anything else that comes to mind.

The whole writing thing has thrown me for a loop. I could never imagine how much clarity it would give me, the creativity it would spark, or joy it would bring me.

But again, if you are anything like I was, start with writing your top goals for the day. Nothing else.

You’ll be amazed how this one little exercise will help you prioritize and put you at ease.

So that’s it.

After almost two weeks of feeling “off”, I hopped back on my miraculous morning routine.

And miraculous it has been.

I feel re-energized, reawakened, and remarkable.

It’s like having a house with a strong foundation. I feel supported and grounded as I go through my day.

Ok, so now your turn.

How is your morning routine?

Do you have one in place?

Do you want to start one?

Respond to this blog and let me know. I’d love to hear from you and offer you suggestions if I can.

If you’ve lost your mojo, the first step to getting it back is to start your day with empowerment, focus, and joy.

I dare you to try it!

Here’s to getting more of the right things done.



Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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