A Big Reason You Procrastinate…And How To Solve It

Even the highest performers deal with the big P, the mac daddy of putting things off, the grand excuse of them all…procrastination.

It doesn’t matter where you live, how old you are, what your job is, there are simply things we just don’t want to do. 


Well, let’s begin with defining what procrastination is.

The dictionary definition is the act of unnecessarily postponing decisions or actions.

Sometimes you unnecessarily postpone the smallest tasks like not putting away the catalogs that have been sitting on your counter for three weeks.

Other times it’s the largest of tasks that keep you stuck, like creating a 20-year financial plan.

I think the little things bug me more. Like seriously, could I not put away these measly stamps for two months? What is wrong with me??

Here’s the problem.

Procrastination feels really good in the moment.

You’ve put off that dreaded task which gives you immediate pleasure.

You can go back to doing whatever you are already enjoying like watching tv or scrolling through social media or even doing the work you love.

So we take this negative emotion (I don’t want to do this) and turn it into a positive emotion (I get to do this other thing I’d rather do instead).

But the irony is that the longer you procrastinate, the worse it actually feels.

The task or project builds up more emotional, mental, and even physical anxiety.

It feels heavier each day, each week, each month.

Which goes to show how we prioritize short-term pleasure over long-term pleasure.

We LOVE immediate gratification.

That means to stop procrastinating you’ve got to give yourself a quick win.

You must make your next immediate step doable. Very doable in fact.

This way you start taking action and appease your gratification monkey.

For instance, you might feel like being at home right now is a great time to organize your house or create a strategic plan for the year. 

The project, however, is so gigantic that you shut down.

The thought of doing it makes you want to stick a fork in your eye.

It is simply TOO. MUCH.

I know you can relate because there are so many big things in your life. That’s what high achievers do. We think big.

So I’ve got THREE simple words for you that will change everything.

Break.It. Down. 

Break it down, friend. Break it down.  

Figure out a tiny next step of your task or project so you actually do something.

Because something is always better than nothing.  

Let’s say you’ve procrastinated creating a customer service training document for your team.

Here’s what you do. Grab a piece of paper and braindump every single task to get it done.

The very first action may be creating the outline. And that is all you focus on. 

When you’re done with that, you focus on the next immediate action like, collect old training manuals, and then talk to your team members about your plan.

The break-it-down strategy works even with a boring task you’re putting off.

If you’re dreading organizing your garage, then take only one immediate next step. Perhaps spend 20 minutes to pull out anything that can be donated. 

Then continue to break down your tasks and do another 20-minute exercise another day. 

If you’re into recaps, then here’s your main takeaway from this.

When you’re procrastinating a project or task – Break. It. Down.

You can not wait around for motivation. You’ll be waiting a long time.

Take a small action and you will be motivated to take the next because action begets motivation.

I know with all the projects and demands on your plate it can be hard to break them down effectively and prioritize. (Not to mention how to find the time and energy to get them done).

If you want support in moving on your projects or goals (big or small) let’s have a chat. I’d love to get to know you. And please, don’t add this to your “procrastinated list”. 

To getting more of the right things done,



Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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