I don’t know what the heck happened to me on Monday.
Sitting on my couch, laptop and tea, kickstarting my day…with a one-way ticket on the unfocus train.
I dove right into my to-do list with endless actions staring back at me.
- Fix site issue
- Write blog
- Create speaking outline
- Call Nan
- Gather Dr. docs…
Processing and reprocessing the same information not once, not twice…but…wait for it…at least a dozen times.
What a Complete.Waste.Of.Time. And so totally annoying!
I was probably in this chaotic state as a result of totally annoying time-waster #2:
Spending my morning on stuff that could have been done ahead of time.
- Fumbling for the meeting info. moments before the call
- Making my son’s lunch
- Searching for a cute shirt just before my Zoom interview
Can you relate to these familiar ways we waste precious time?!
If yes, then throw on your headphones and listen to this week’s podcast, Eliminating 10 Major Time Wasters In Your Day.
You can catch it here: Spotify | iTunes | Stitcher
When you’re done, choose just ONE time-waster to eliminate. Don’t let the unfocused train derail you too. To less annoying days ahead,
P.S. Reminder: In just a few days, February 2nd, the virtual BIG Ready 2021 event will be featuring success and productivity experts from across the world. That means you’ll score the tools for an amazing 2021… all while sipping coffee in your pj’s. I feel like you totally need to get in on this. Take advantage of it HERE!
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