Top 5 Powerful Apps That Make Me Awesome

When it comes to technology you’ve probably heard the saying “there’s an app for that.” And pretty much for any question you have or thing you want to do, there usually is.

Yet my kids probably have more games on my phone than I have apps, simply because I can manage most of my life on a just a few simple software.

Which makes me look and feel pretty awesome because they save me a ton of time, energy, and frustration, which means more room for friends, family, and me time.

Here are my five most favorite apps. I think you’re going to love these productivity gems too if you’re not already using them.

#1: My bank app.

Two words: Life Changer. No more having to get in the car, fight traffic and wait in line at the ATM to deposit my checks. I do it right from my phone. Simply log in to my account, hit deposit check, take a photo of the front and of the back and voila – the check is deposited. I instantly get an email that it’s processing and once I see that it’s hit my account, I no longer need the check. So awesome right? Nowadays, most banks have their own apps so check with yours if they do and get on this amazing time saver. (And be sure to send me a message, once you do).

#2: My password app.

I use a software called Dashlane but there are many other one-stop password keepers like “OnePassword”, “LastPass” or “Sticky Password” that store all those bazillion passwords for your email, Facebook, banks, hotel points, newsletters, blogs, classes, websites, pharmacies, photos, insurance, credit cards and everything you need a password for. It’s enough to make you cray-cray. So get on a password manager and saves tons of time and frustration.

#3: My list making app.

One of most fave apps of all time is Evernote. Evernote is my list making bestie. Every thought, to-do, and task that’s running around in my mind is captured on my little amazing app – so all my lists are in ONE PLACE. You heard me. Not six notebooks, random sticky notes, and backs of envelopes. But one secure, awesome place where it all lives so I can find what I need ANY TIME. It’s dreamy. (Tip: OneNote is comparable to Evernote).

#4: My calendar app.

Could not live without my Google calendar. Without this handy dandy tool, I wouldn’t know where I was going or what I was doing – like ever. Planning out my whole day, every day, on my sweet little scheduler enables me to take intentional action, stay focused, and get my priorities done. It is THE BEST and definitely a must-have.

And last but not least,

#5: My scanning app.

I use Scannable (it integrates with Evernote) but there are a bunch of free scanning apps to choose from. If I need to sign a document I send it over to someone, I don’t need to print it out and mail or fax it (and who has a fax machine anymore). I can just scan it in and email or text it over. Or if I don’t want the paper trail of all my receipts, I just scan them in and avoid the pile-up. It’s awesome!

So there you have it. Five amazing time and sanity savers. I love and use them all pretty much every day to run my life pretty darn smooth and make me and my life awesome.

Now I’d love to hear from you. What’s an app you use that gives you more time or space in your life? Please share your brilliance in the comments. Or if one of the apps I mentioned hit a chord with you, let me know.

As always, thank you for spending time with me today. I appreciate you and all your support.

Here’s to getting more of the right things done!



Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.



Thank you for sharing the scannable app! Gamechanger and money saver! No more pulling up email, printing out doc, getting in car to drive to a place that has a fax machine and the worrybif youbtrusy thebolace enough that your document got to the party. Thanks Mridu!

Mridu Parikh

You’re so welcome Shib. It is one of my faves! Thanks for joining the conversation. Xo, Mridu


I use all of these – just forgot about scannable on my phone! One challenge question: do you pay for the Premium on EverNote? I’m constantly running out of space!

Mridu Parikh

I’ve somehow managed to make it work on the free version. Have never run out of space but I’m mostly adding lists and links, not tons of photos and documents. I think if you’re using it so much, the paid version is worth it. Couldn’t live without it! Great to hear from you Kelly. Xo, Mridu


I use built-in Apple’s tools like Siri andReminders for a ton of things — “remind me to call XYZ when I get in the car” to get the best use out of my drive time.. “Set an alarm to leave by 3pm” to stay on time for my next meeting. And of course, Do Not Disturb is my BFF. Does that count??

Mridu Parikh

Yes, yes and yes! 🙂 These are all awesome. Thanks for sharing Claire! xo, M


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