The 10 Minute Secret To Changing Your Life

Ten minutes every day can change the course of your day and over time, the trajectory of your life.

Yet, I am amazed at how so many clients resist doing this.

Or are too lazy to do it.

Or simply, hold onto their old beliefs and don’t think it’s valuable.

If you want to feel in control, wake up without overwhelm, and end tomorrow feeling accomplished, I’ve got three words for you.


Look at your meetings and appointments for tomorrow. Then look at your long to-do list and…

1) Block off the time to get your specific work done.
2) Block off the time to get your errands done.
3) Block off the time to drive, or prep, or set up.

Block off time so you know what to expect and where to put your attention – all day long.

If you find yourself regularly operating in “reactive mode” I can guarantee you’re not taking the 10 minutes it takes to plan and block your day.

Before I started doing this I was perpetually spinning my wheels, reacting to whatever was being thrown at me – from morning ’til night.

Even today, when I don’t do it, I fall back into that annoying state of paralysis and wasting precious time through the day.

On the other, way more rewarding hand, when I block my time I know exactly what to say yes to, what to say no to, and where to put my focus.

There has never been an easier way to take control of your time, attention, and stress- level.

If you’re sick of feeling like you’re in demand every minute of the day, do this simple but powerful task.

You will thank us both tomorrow.

Here’s to getting more of the right things done!


Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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