Want Classified Info. To Be Your Most Productive Self?

I’ll let you in on some classified information. I feel overwhelmed too.

I have days that I overcommit.
I have days that I procrastinate.
I have days that I feel uninspired.

I have those days, but I now know HOW to get myself out of these emotionally unfulfilling cycles and into a sequence of motivating actions that improve my outcomes and ultimately, make me happier.

Getting a handle on your time isn’t about cramming in “more, more, more” in fewer hours.

It’s about giving yourself the freedom to be and do whatever makes you feel successful instead of acting like a victim to everyone else’s demands.

It’s about creating the freedom and space to live the life you were meant to live.

The awesome thing about learning the skills and tools you need to live a more rewarding life is that they stay with you FOREVER.

Even when you fall off your schedule, dismiss your routine, or spiral into overwhelm.

I don’t believe in perfection nor do I teach or expect it.

I believe in progress.

It is perfectly natural to abandon your “list” or have circumstances throw you off your rocker.

It is LIFE after all.

It is unpredictable. And it can be exhausting.

But to know you are armed with the strategies and know-how to pick you back up and get you on track is – PRICELESS.

To have the confidence that everything will be okay because you KNOW exactly the sequence of steps to take when you feel the whole world is standing on your shoulders is EXHILARATING.

I don’t fret anymore when the kids are sick or my technology breaks down or my whites have turned pink. (Ok, maybe that one I do).

Because I know I have the ability to get back on track tomorrow or the next day or whenever the time is right.

Like reading, writing, or driving, learning how to take control of your time and day is a skill that always stays with you.

So yes, I am far from perfect.

I have days that I overcommit.
I have days that I procrastinate.
I have days that I feel uninspired.

But like many of the amazing people I work with, I also have the skills to quickly get out of those self-sabotaging days and into rewarding and productive ones.

I believe in you and your power to learn these skills too.

If you want to stop feeling overwhelmed EVEN when life gets crazy,

Let’s talk here.

If not — I’m here when you’re ready.



Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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