An Honest Conversation About How You’re Feeling

Am I the only one who’s had days, weeks, even months wanting to throw my hands up?

Some mornings I wake up and think “Can’t I just binge-watch on Netflix and eat Bonbons all day….every day?”

The truth is, it would be great for a bit but I’d bet you’d get bored a lot sooner than you think.

In fact, 12 years ago I tried it. I was certain that I wanted to leave my demanding full-time job to stay home with my kids.

That lasted about six months until I started to go cray-cray. It just wasn’t for me.

And it’s not that I hated my job or didn’t like who I worked with.

It was just ALL. SO. HARD.

The schedules, the compromising, the sacrifices, the rushing, the hecticness, the exhaustion, the pain of it all.

What I didn’t understand until years later was that it (life that is) ISN’T supposed to be a breeze but it also doesn’t need to be so dang challenging.

There IS a happy medium where you are valued and contributing both in and out of the home – without feeling like you’re going to drown or are failing miserably in either area.

It simply takes realignment.

Realignment with your priorities, your stuff, your emotions, your systems, and quite frankly, your mindset.

These shifts can be small, tweaks really, like turning off your email notifications to making an adjustment to your paper flow.

Or they can seem bigger like rejiggering your morning and evening routines and putting up boundaries around your work time.

Either way, your realignment results in more freedom. More presence. More joy.

Imagine having more space and time to:

  • Watch a new tv series without feeling guilty
  • Be present at every dinner conversation without rushing off to your phone or laptop
  • Feeling respected and valued at work, knowing you are making the BEST use of your time

Yes, you will still have a day here and there when you feel like you want to throw in the towel. I mean, I bet Oprah has those days too.

But they are so few and far between when you can dismiss the anxiety, radically lower your stress, and feel confident you have a tried and tested plan to follow.

You work SO hard but it doesn’t have to always feel that way.

I know because I’ve been there and done it for way too many stressful years. Years that I spent thinking “Well, I guess everyone goes through this.”

Uh…no. Actually, everyone doesn’t. And you don’t have to either.

In order for things to be different you have to do different.

Make 2019 your year of showing up differently.

Shoot me a message if you want to have an honest conversation about how you’d like your next year to feel.

Sending you and your family so much joy and love this holiday season. Together, we’re going to make 2019 the best year yet!

With love and appreciation,


Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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