How To Quickly Get In The Driver’s Seat

I need to put in more hours at work.

I wish I had less time for my family.

If only I had more emails in my inbox.

…said no woman (or man) ever!

What will you be saying to yourself at the end of your life? How about: “Did I do everything I could to become the person I want to be?”

If you’re simply going through the motions every day, feeling like life is passing you by, always reacting, reacting, reacting, it’s time to ask yourself:

  • Is this how I want to show up?
  • Is this the type of role model I want to be?
  • Is this the legacy I want to leave behind?

If you’re thinking “Nooooo!” then there I have four steps for you to take control and get you in the driver’s seat of your life.

#1: Get clarity.

What are your true goals? If you could wake up 3 months from now, 6 months from now, what would your day and relationships look and feel like? That’s usually a really good indication of your goals and where you want to be.

#2: Create freedom and time in your schedule.

If it doesn’t work on paper, it won’t work in real life. You’ve got to structure your day so you can fit your priorities. This requires some rejiggering and creativity but it is possible to make the time for what’s most important without sacrificing what needs to get done.

#3: Get systems in place.

You’ve got to create systems that reinforce your schedule otherwise it’s only going to work for a day or two. Create a process for everything going on in your personal life and in your career so you stay in alignment with your goals.

And finally, #4…Communicate with leadership.

If you want to keep all this goodness up in your head – you can do that – but it’s going to get really hard to get other people on board, set expectations, and create boundaries so you reach and exceed your goals.

Effective communication is such an empowering part of the process and is the final piece to get you in control.

When you follow these steps guess what you’re NOT going to be asking yourself at the end of your life: did I do everything I could to become the person I want to be?

Because you know that you will have.

You will stop operating on auto-pilot.

You will stop running on fumes.

You will stop burning the candle on both ends.

There is a better way.

I know it because I live it and I can proudly say I’ve taken dozens of women through the journey who have discovered how to live with excellence, authenticity, and a deep sense of achievement.

You can continue to tread water day after day.

But one day you’ll look around and think: Why did I let so much time pass by? Why didn’t I take control of my life sooner?

If you’re ready to finally get in the driver’s seat, find out more on the four steps above by joining me on a free call right here.



Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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