You’re dreaming of crusty sourdough while you await your favorite meal, only to get to the restaurant and find the line around the corner. (So much for not having to make reservations).
Disappointed, but starving, you duck into the next closest eatery, thinking, “Whatever. I just need to eat.”
But you end up having THE MOST incredible meal. I’m talking a mouth-watering, lick your fingers, how did I not know about this hidden gem, satiating experience!
And then…you’re on a mission.
It’s officially become your calling to let your besties know about your discovery. In fact, you’re already group texting before your Uber arrives. “Awesome dinner find. Who’s in Tuesday night?”
That’s pretty much what happened to me this weekend.
Except it wasn’t a restaurant. It was a conference. (Wah, wah, waaaaaaa).
Seriously. I went to a conference with no expectations. In fact, I wasn’t even sure if I was the “right” type of attendee. And it ended up…Blowing. Me. Away.
And now, I feel compelled to gush to you about it.
From Friday evening to Sunday late afternoon, I attended Jeff Goins’ Tribe Conference right here in Nashville.
Honestly, I didn’t know Jeff’s work that well, but as a friend recommended the event, it had an impressive speaker line up and was in my backyard – it was a no brainer.
And right from the pre-event emails to greetings at the venue to the mimosas and m&m’s (clearly I was part of the right tribe) – it exceeded my expectations in every way.
I’m still on a high and can’t wait to take action on a whole lotta things.
:: Things to get my message out more clearly.
:: Things to make new relationships.
:: Things to enhance my brand.
And things that just get me really excited.
You ready to hear about them?
WARNING: Like me, you will have heard some of these things before. But they are worth repeating. That is why successful people of influence keep talking about them. We need reinforcements ALL.THE.TIME.
So….don’t think: “I’ve already heard this before.”
Instead, think like a smart and saavy business person and reframe your thoughts to: “How can I better apply this to my business?” For realz.
On the other hand, some things will be new. They are both equally important.
Ok, here we go:
#1: People will not follow you because of your great content. They will follow you because they want a better life.
The captivating Carlos Whittaker reminded us that “people are desperate for authenticity.” They are desperate for real moments in your life. Share it with them. Unapologetically and unfiltered. Moments lead to movements and movements lead to moments.
Don’t deprive your tribe of real moments. Help your people live life on purpose and in freedom by helping them find a better life, through moments in your life.
#2: Your message lies in frustration, passion and hope.
I loved this talk (from Emily Freeman) about using these three keys in your messages to make them resonate and stick. And yes, you have to use all three. Two won’t get you the results you’re looking for. Like,
- Spewing out your frustrations around something you’re passionate about – is basically a rant.
- Voicing your frustrations along with your hopes, is like our political atmosphere. “Things are bad.” (frustration) “Lets make America great again!” (hope) But where’s the passion??
- And being passionate and hopeful about something is like a Hallmark movie (a feel good time but not solving anything).
But voicing your:
frustration (anger or annoyances) + passion (intense caring) + hope (your inspiring transformation) and…
#3: Steal everything you’ve heard.
In the compelling session by Marion Roach Smith, I especially resonated with this tip for writing with intent.
Write down everything you hear. Funny stuff. Quotes. Enlightening thoughts. Something your kid said. Everything.
- It will give you stuff to write about.
- It will give you stuff to talk about.
- It will keep you curious.
- It will give you evidence when you need it.
- It will surprise you.
- It will make you laugh.
- It will connect the dots.
- It will help you brainstorm.
- It will give you new ideas.
Write it all down.
#4: Know your “why.”
(And remember the WARNING above!)
Be crystal clear why you do what you do. Why is your why so important?
And be sure that everything you do in your business is aligned with your bigger why.
If you believe in your why, your business will grow.
#5: Your business starts with self-care.
Amen, Asha Dornfest. Don’t leave self-care for last.
Exercise, food, water, meditation and journaling aren’t habits to be adopted into your life once you’re burnt out or drained of energy. (Although if that’s where you are, then the time is now).
Make these a part of your daily life TODAY. Your body, brain and business will benefit.
#6: Be compelling with stories.
Stories work. Stories sell. Use them to draw your audience in, make them FEEL and take them through transformational journeys.
#7: As you learn something, teach it!
This is how you become an authority. There will always be something you know that someone else doesn’t. Share it.
You don’t teach because you’re “an expert.” You become “an expert” because you teach. (Wise words from Nathan Barry).
#8: Clearly articulate your world view.
The biggest mistake of communicating your message is a lack of focus. Be crystal clear on the one message your audience should take away every time they interact with you. This was a session taught by Jeff Brown and we went through an awesome exercise to write our own “world views.”
This is what I came up with for my world view:
“I believe that if you desire true success in business and life then making the right choices to get the important stuff done, is a must.”
#9: Persuasive headlines should deliver on your promise (in seven words or less!)
Examples of awesome persuasive headlines that speaker Ray Edwards gave were:
- “Get The Attention Your Writing Deserves” (by Jeff Goins)
- “Email Marketing For Professional Bloggers” (by Nathan Barry)
- “Themes That Do More Than Just Look Pretty” (by Notable Themes)
Through an exercise we worked on, this is the persuasive headline I came up with for my coaching services: “Land More Business With Less Stress”
#10: Networking is not a one-night stand.
So eloquently said by my new girl crush Marsha Shandur.
Networking is a long-term relationship that requires attention. The best way to stay connected? Keep. Showing. Up.
Not in the annoying, leechy way – but in a valuable, I’m thinking about you, how can I help you, thought you might enjoy this resource, excited to see you, using this tip I learned from you…type of way. These are the best relationships.
#11: Being an original is always better than being a copy.
Thank you Chris Ducker! Exactly what I needed to hear to close the amazing weekend. “Your vibe will attract your tribe. So don’t try to be like anyone else but you.”
Those were my top eleven lessons but as I’m sitting here going through my notes, I’m finding so many more nuggets of awesomeness. I already signed up for next year’s Tribe Conference and if you couldn’t already tell, I highly recommend it.
(BTW, I have no affiliation with Jeff or the event). Just like to share a good thing when I can – especially with people I like.
I have a feeling I’ll be expanding on several of these on upcoming posts as I use them more intentionally in my business and life. If you’ve been with me for a while, you know I’ll share the good, the bad and the ugly. (Fingers crossed for more good and less ugly).
If any one of these lessons hit a strong chord for you, let me know about it in the comments below. I mean if you’re into that whole “accountability partner” thing.
But most importantly, like Jeff said as he closed the weekend.
“You don’t need to take a big leap. But you do need to take a next step.”
Here’s hoping your next step is a solid one.
To getting the right things done!
What a totally brilliant round-up of the event! Thanks, Mridu!
I’m so excited to have met you Marsha. You were amazing!!
How lovely to be quoted here. Many, many thanks.
Marion, thank YOU! I was hanging on your every word.
Appreciate your generosity! xo, mridu
Excellent recap, Mridu! The event was amazing and so worth the trip to Franklin. Thank you for sharing and sorry I missed meeting you at the conference. Next year!
You’re so welcome Doris…and thanks for your kind words! I’m so happy we’re in touch and look forward to meeting you in person next year! Best,Mridu
Awesome energy! Thanks, Mridu.
You’re so welcome Judy! Thanks for your support!
xo, mridu