3 Reasons You Should Pay For Accountability


When it comes to goals like, losing weight, managing your finances, or taking control of your time, have you found yourself thinking:

“I know what I SHOULD be doing, but I don’t do it.”

If you KNOW you should be eating less and exercising more,
If you KNOW you should be tracking your expenses,
If you KNOW you should be blocking time in your day…

…should you pay someone to keep you accountable? is that really the best use of your hard earned money?

Well, to put it mildly, HECK YES!

Here’s the deal. It comes down to being honest with yourself about three things:

#1: What you want

What do you really want? Get crystal clear on your goals. “I want to get healthy” is a good starting point. However, a clear goal that creates a vision for your end point is: “I want to lose 15 pounds and get on a consistent workout schedule.”

#2: How badly you want it

By simply specifying a goal you’ll get more clarity of how important it is to you. You can imagine what your life will look and feel like in the end state.

With the goal of “I want to lose 15 pounds and get on a consistent workout schedule” you can picture yourself in your skinny jeans and starting your day feeling energized. This begins to paint a picture of how valuable this goal really is to you.

Will achieving your goal affect your relationships? Your income? Your happiness? Your stress level? Your confidence? Your sales? Your pant size? Your personal development?

What would it be worth for you to significantly change your life? To get on the other side of the challenge that has frustrated you for years?

#3: Be honest about your past results

Were you able to get where you wanted without making an investment in that accountability partner, personal trainer, financial advisor, business coach, mastermind group or fitness membership?

If yes, stop reading. 😉

If no, acknowledge and accept the fact that you need support. And guess what?

Effective leaders and changemakers KNOW that the best and most accelerated results come from teamwork.

“If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.”

Get the support you need to get the results you want.

Ok, so now if you’re on board with getting help, here are three benefits of making an investment in accountability.

#1: When you invest, you do. 

How many times have you taken part of a free challenge, read a book or watched a video on how to achieve your goal, taken the first step and then let the rest fall by the wayside?

Happens All. The. Time.

You have no skin in the game. No one’s checking in on you. You’ve put nothing at risk so it’s easy to not follow through.

For me I struggled with losing weight, even though I KNEW what I needed to do. Until I joined Weight Watchers, that is.

And not just the online program, but the in person meetings. I was not only investing my money but my valuable time, which made me take consistent action.

#2: You don’t know what to do (even though you think you do).

At the WW meetings, I also learned that there was a whole lot I didn’t know.

Sure, consume fewer calories and exercise more are core skills, but there was so much underlying knowledge, expertise, and experience that I gained from the group leaders.

The truth is, you don’t know the most effective tools and strategies, the latest methodologies, the industry hacks or have the experience to get long-term results. And, you shouldn’t.

Your efforts are better spent on the things you DO have expertise.

Partnering with an expert will shorten your learning curve and accelerate your success.


#3: It’s hard to let other people down.

You tell yourself you’ll get to the gym or you won’t check email in the morning, and you find a dozen excuses to break that promise before you even get dressed.

On the other hand, when you make plans with a friend or schedule a Dr’s appointment, you show up when you said you would.

When you’re accountable to someone else you do what you’re committed to.

It feels really sucky to let other people down and you don’t want to be perceived as someone who doesn’t care or who don’t have integrity in their word.

When you make any type of investment in personal support it should feel equally EXCITING and SCARY.

It’s supposed to make you a little giddy about what’s possible, as well as, feel a little uncomfortable that you’re trying something out of your normal toolbox of efforts.

So go ahead and do it.

Hire the trainer.
Invest in the program.
Join the mastermind.

Get the support you need to get to where you want to be.

There’s nothing I’d love more than to give you the easy-peasy tools, straight talk solutions and accountability you need if you’re struggling with a bajillion priorities, demands, and distractions. Join me for a complimentary call right here so we can get to know each other better.

Let go of limiting, self-sabotaging thoughts that keep you feeling STUCK.

Here’s to getting more of the right things done!


Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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