You spoke. I listened.
Many awesome Lifers responded to my survey about how I could give you more of what you need. And if you’re one of them, thank you for making my job easier.
Because when I know what you need, I can better help you create your dream biz and dream life.
And with the results I’ve received so far, I heard your #1 challenge.
You can’t stay focused.
I get it. No, like I really, really get it.
Here are the usual suspects why.
- Email (probably the #1 focus killer)
- FB (love it or hate it – it’s always there)
- Plus other social media always lurking in the background
- Phone calls
- People (so many people!)
- Ideas (yes you can’t turn. them. off.)
- Dings, beeps, alerts
- Not to mention your beloved family and friends
In today’s 24/7, always connected world, it’s no surprise “focus” topped the challenge list.
So today I’ve put together five insanely easy ways for you to get and stay focused.
Yes, I said insanely easy.
Which means instead of glossing over them and thinking you’re going to them, I’d like you to actually do them.
Novel concept, right? Right.
Ok, so here it goes:
1) Close Your Tabs
You heard me. Close them. All of them. ESPECIALLY the email tab. The only tabs that should stay open are the ones related to the ONE task you’re working on. Here’s an insanely easy example (in case you didn’t notice the theme here). Working on your finances? Keep your FreshBooks tab open and your bank account tab open. Close FB, LinkedIn, Email, Pinterest, Articles You’re Reading, Recipes, Digital Classes and everything else that doesn’t have to do with your finances.
2) Remove Distractions
Get everything off your desk. Put it on the floor next to or beside you. I’m talking paper piles, clutter, magazines, files, coffee mugs, notebooks and other random stuff that gets you distracted. Newsflash: It ALL gets you distracted. Keep your eyes and hands from wandering (plus give yourself some much needed elbow room). Your only focus should be your computer or paper file you’re working on.
3) Use A Timer
I know, so insanely easy that it probably won’t work, right? Wrong! A timer sets the expectation that for this window of time, you’re only going to work on one thing. For procrastinated tasks a timer provides a bite-sized way to get started. (Yes, even 10 minutes counts). Lastly, working against a timer gives you a tangible goal. It’s super satisfying to hear a “ding” go off when you’ve reached your 20 minutes of focused mental power.
4) Reward Yourself
That feeling of working against the timer (yes it’s euphoric), can be followed up by a good ole’ fashioned bribe…I mean, reward. The trick here is to plan your reward before you start focusing on your ONE task and/or project. Here’s another insanely easy example. “If I stay focused on this writing this blog for thirty minutes, I’ll get a latte afterwards.” Or replace “latte” with any other rewarding behavior like, take a walk, call a friend, listen to a song, or eat an ice cream. A little bribe goes a long way.
5) Turn Off Your Phone (Including Beeps, Dings & Rings)
I know you are super important. And this may come as a surprise buuuuuuuut, the world will go on if you’re fully disconnected for 30-60 minutes. Egads! Yes, I said it. Turn off your phone, beeps, alerts, rings and dings. Turn it off. Put it away. Stick in a drawer, in a purse or in another room. YOU. WILL. BE. OKAY.
And that sums up five insanely easy ways to stay focused. And because they are insanely easy, this week’s challenge is about committing to doing at LEAST TWO of them.
Which one will they be?? Duh, duh. duh… Hold yourself accountable by letting me know in the comments below.
The parting thought I’d like to leave you with is that with focus you can achieve anything. Let that sink in. Embrace it. Own it. Live it.
Here’s to achieving amazing results!
P.S. If you’re thinking, “been there done that,” know that I’m here for you to talk about your specific challenges. Click here to set up a FREE strategy session with me so ye can get you from unfocused to unbelievable results!
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