Shaking camera.
Overcast day.
Wait, was that a car horn in the background?
This is what I’m experiencing in a 3-week online course I’m taking from a 7-figure a year entrepreneur. (And by the way, she’s delivering everything on a free audio platform…not a fancy web site!)
I’ll be honest.
I was expecting a slick custom-built site with beautiful images and a nav bar with catchy words like, “Your Biz Besties” and “Business Smackdown.”
I was envisioning private chat forums and “Happiness Reps” standing by to answer my questions.
But the truth is, the delivery hasn’t mattered to me at all. That’s because the information I’m getting is valuable. Plain and simple.
I have a problem. She provides a solution. Done.
And it’s how this multi-million dollar business owner manages to launch several programs a month. Yes, you read that right. Several. Programs. A. Month.
Here’s what is NOT happening with her. She is NOT:
- Getting caught up in perfectionism on ANY LEVEL.
- Letting FEAR get in the way of what she wants to do.
- Allowing what people MIGHT think about her hold her back.
- Getting stuck in procrastination or in the over-analyzing phase. (I have a feeling you know this one well).
Here’s what IS happening with her. She IS:
- Getting massive value out into the world.
- Getting massive value out into the hands of her ideal clients. (like me!)
- Building a profitable business.
- Building a kick ass brand.
- Living her life on her terms.
To be totally transparent, I’m sharing this because I need this kick in the arse as much as you do.
Just writing it makes me realize how much I’ve been holding myself back to get things “just right.” Waiting for everything to be “good enough” or at “the right time.”
I’m making a declaration right here, right now that I am officially OVER. IT.
The truth is, the couple hundred blog videos I’ve made on home organizing and my three courses are really, really well produced.
I’m talking professional videographer and lighting, scripts and transcribers, wardrobe changes and makeup and other details I’m really proud of.
They gave me a great result and I’m happy I did them.
BUT…and here’s the big, fat, terrible but life awakening BUT…
But…It makes me hold myself to this “high standard” for everything else I want to create.
Which makes me procrastinate and even dread, developing another program.
Even though I know I could.
Even though I know there are awesome people in my tribe who could use it.
Even though I know they would value it.
Even though I know they would pay for it.
Even though, even though…
I’m making myself sick just thinking about it.
You know what else I know?
YOU have knowledge that is worth sharing too.
You know it’s your duty to let the world know about it, right? It would be selfish to keep your life altering message to yourself.
Don’t be that person.
Ok, deep breath now because I’m going to make a scary invitation to you. But my belief is that if we do this together, it will be easier to know we’re not alone.
Put something imperfectly imperfect out into the world.
Now exhale because it doesn’t have to be a whole program.
It could be a FB LIVE video.
It could be a YouTube video you record in your car while you’re sitting in traffic.
It could be a shaky, overcast day, horns in the background shout-out inviting friends to join your blog.
Per-fect being imperfect.
In fact, do it over and over until imperfect becomes the way you perfectly share your message.
So I have one final question for you. ARE. YOU. IN??
If so, leave me a note in that sweet little comment box below. I’d love to know I have a partner (or gang) in this imperfect plan.
And thank you for having the courage to step up, get past what’s holding you back and quite frankly, get on with it.
Besides if a 7-figure entrepreneur isn’t worried about her “perfect image,” certainly you don’t have to be either.
Here’s to getting more of the right things done!
P.S. I don’t talk about anything I don’t do or believe in. Keep on the look out for an upcoming program from me. HIGH on value. LOWER on fancy production. But IN YOUR HANDS making you take MASSIVE ACTION. Eeeeek! I can not wait!!
I am so with you on this! Perfectionism is such a trap and steals so much time. People can be blessed by our “humanness.” My son is recording YouTube videos daily (no, he’s not quite old enough to do this) and in Just a couple of weeks has more subscribers than I have after a year of blogging. He is insistant upon getting something out every day no matter what. His videos aren’t even close to perfect but he is always trying and learning new things. I have started talking about making videos and he discovered that I don’t even have a YouTube channel set up yet and volunteered to do it for me. But I want everything figured out first and want to control what kind of splash I make. Okay. Deep breath. Just. Do. It.!!!
Jan, I LOOOOVE this comment. Thank you so much for sharing! My son is the same way! Kids have no fear and guess what?! They get results!
I’ve been pretty on and off about my FB live videos because I get caught up in the fear of not being dressed up or not having an outline or ten other excuses I could make up. But I did one this morning (with zero prep) – and I’ve got to say…it went pretty dang well. Lets learn from our kiddos and put fear and perfectionism aside!! Here’s to getting the right things done! xo, mridu