Are you easily paralyzed by your overwhelming list?

Ever have those days when you feel like you’re drowning in quicksand, head first? You look at your to-do list, more like pages of lists, and everything seems important.

It’s overwhelming not to mention, paralyzing.

I’ve tried tons of list making tools, spreadsheets, apps, and planners to help me prioritize but there’s one strategy that hands down works the best.

Before I reveal this nifty time and sanity-saving tool, I’ve got to tell you it’s pretty technical. So if you’re not as technology savvy as I am, don’t fret. With some trial and error, I promise you can catch on to this.

Are you ready for the big reveal?

The secret strategy of top productivity experts?

The life-changing tool that only super organized people know about?

Wait for it…Wait for it…

It. Is. A…

Sticky Note! (Fooled you, didn’t I?)

Yup, a sticky note. It’s my secret weapon and without one I’m not nearly as effective or focused as I know I can be.

So here’s how this highly technical strategy works.

Every morning I write down my Top Three. My Top Three are the three things I must get done that day.

I also refer to My Top Three as my “Gotta Do” list. Not I should do, I might do, I wanna do, or I could do but – I Gotta Do, no matter what.

These tasks are ones you currently don’t do. For example, I wouldn’t add “meditate” to my Top Three since this is already a part of my daily routine.

On the other hand, I would add:

  • Write blog post
  • Pay Pat’s invoice
  • Create and send the speaking contract

No matter what, before my head hits the pillow, those three tasks must be completed.

The beauty of the sticky note is that it is visual. It helps you focus and have clarity throughout the day. I usually stick it on my laptop screen so when I get back from meetings and appointments I have a visual anchor to keep me on task.

And it’s portable. I can grab my note and stick it to my notebook on my way to an appointment.

Narrowing my top tasks down to three can be tricky some days when it feels like I have a hundred things to get done. So I ask myself:

What three things would I have to complete to make me feel successful today?

Want to know a secret to staying motivated and inspired?

Completing what you set out to do.

Too many days we have all these goals we want to achieve but then we get distracted, don’t complete them and feel like failures. Which totally sucks because over time this has an impact on our self-esteem and our confidence about what we can achieve.

With the Top Three priorities planned and crossed off, you end each day feeling like a winner.

And that my sweet friend, motivates you to keep at it the next day and the day after that and the day after that.

Seem too easy?

Sometimes the most powerful and effective tools are. Don’t let the simplicity fool you or leave you thinking “really?” before you even start.

So now I’d love to hear from you in the comments below. Do you think adopting this simple habit could keep you focused and feeling less overwhelmed too? 

I hope you test out this easy peasy practical and motivating strategy. It’s one that serves me VERY well. 🙂

Here’s to getting more of the right things done!



P.S. Got a friend, client or colleague who’s overwhelmed with their long to do list? Be a gem and forward this email.

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.



This sounds like an easy plan. I just wrote 2 of three tasks that I need to get done. Also there is a sticky note function on the computer which can permanently be on your home screen.


Mridu Parikh

So fancy with the digital sticky note Love it Shib!! Inquiring minds want to know…What’s your 3rd task going to be? :)) xo, M


You are good. Keeping me on task. Bring a big bag of clothes to Goodwill. Not only did it feel good to donate but it leaves more room in my living room (bag has been sitting here for weeks-giving me the evil eye:) )


“…drowning in quicksand, head first?” You’re funny, Mridu! I’ve never thought of that visual before!

Love the sticky note advice, too…now I just have to figure out what color sticky note to use for the Top Three…lol

Mridu Parikh

Girl, I’ve used every procrastination technique in the book so I relate very well to thinking about colors! LOL! Just use whatever you’ve got. :)) Love hearing from you Diane. xo, M


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