Are You Ready For Gigantic Stress Relief?

Whether you prescribe to making new year’s resolutions or not, one thing is for sure.

You want to make 2019 even more successful than 2018.

The truth is you have a lot of opportunities to make that happen if any of these scenarios sound familiar:

  • You’re weighed down by a never-ending to-do list
  • You’re pulled in a hundred directions, stretched unbelievably thin
  • Even when you’re not working, you’re constantly thinking about everything you need to get done!

Sadly, I hear from too many women that they feel overwhelmed and over-extended.

And on top of it all, while working jobs or running a business, they’re taking care of their little ones, caring for aging parents, and managing everything in their household. No wonder they are maxed out!

If you wish there were a better way, keep reading.

Shifting out of your chaos into a more focused and productive reality is easier than you think.

Yes, it requires change. Without it, you’d stay stuck in your stressful patterns for eternity.

But it’s not like that terrible pain you feel in your thighs the day after doing Stairmaster the first time in months.

It’s more like uncomfortable ease.

At first, it feels scary to put up boundaries, use your voice, put limits on email, and focus on what makes you happy…BUT…

…With the right guidance and support, you do it and then somehow, some way…

It feels like a fifty-pound weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

Taking control of your time and energy is gigantic stress relief.

Which leaves you more space and focus for movies with your kiddos, conversations with your parents, or curling up with that novel that’s collecting dust on your bedside.

Feeling scattered, like you can’t do it all, and wanting to hide under the covers doesn’t have to be your norm.

If you feel like everyone’s going through this…I have news for you. They’re not.

And you don’t have to either.

I live and breathe everything I teach. Although every day isn’t always perfect, my very full life ISN’T full of stress or overwhelm or anxiety.

My clients and I are armed with simple tools and strategies to quickly get focused, get systemized, and get in control.

That means time to exercise, a plan for meals, focused work time, deliberate experiences with my kids, weekend getaways with my besties, and looking forward to each day, every morning.

It feels good because it is good.

Are you ready to drop your giant stress ball?

Reach out to me at

Here’s to getting more of the right things done,



Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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