Are You Scared Of The Big “D”?

In the start of my business, I created lots of videos.

I spent hours editing, adding comedic outtakes, step-by-step text, and music.

I learned about intros and outros, adding click-throughs and subscribe buttons.

I spent endless hours on layout redesigns and consistent branding.

Simultaneously I was writing my weekly blog.

Creating, editing, posting, keyword tagging, linking to other blogs, creating calls-to-action, resizing photos, adding borders, formatting, etc.

As you can imagine, this was all a big-time stink.

Which left limited time, energy, and focus for all those other things I was supposed to be doing to grow my business and nurture my family.

Things like increasing revenue, making healthy meals, getting an accounting system in place, and holding all the emotions together at home. Moms really do deserve a special place in Heaven.

I look back with 20/20 vision and realize doing it all by myself was as much as an issue with my own pride as it was a procrastination tool. I’m pretty sneaky like that, aren’t I?

I was putting off getting someone else involved out of fear of the effort I would have to put in and the control I would have to give up.

I was robbing myself the opportunity to grow in other areas.

I was sabotaging my success and ability to reach my goals.

In fact, what I finally realized was the stuff I was really good at, was probably what I should have let go of first.

If you’re anything like me, sweet friend, it’s time you come clean with the big D. Delegation.

If you’re looking to get to the next level, a bump in your number of clients, the depth of your friendships and intimacy, the commitment to your health and wellness, please don’t fool or convince yourself into believing that you can do it all.

Without investing in the help you need, you will never move beyond where you are.

If you’re cool with the status of your income, business growth, social life, relationships, and personal development, by all means, don’t invest in yourself.

But know this…

In the very act of getting help, you will grow as a human, leader, manager, parent, and friend.

Here are three reasons why.

#1: You will unburden yourself of great anxiety and stress.

Instead of crowding out your current ideas by desperately trying to squish in new ones, you will have mental space for new, big ideas, bursting with energy you never had the room for before.

#2: You will be more focused.

When you can drop the nagging feeling of everything you should be doing and ditch the overwhelming reminders of everything you’re not doing, you will allow yourself to focus on what really matters.

If you know someone else is handling the 32 steps it takes to upload your blog and post it across five different social media platforms, you can focus on providing the best information that will have your readers begging for more.

If you know someone else is picking up your dry cleaning, making your CVS returns, and chauffeuring your kids to and from soccer practice, you can focus on setting up your automatic bill pay and creating a meal plan so your home runs like a turnkey system.

#3: You will be more successful.

Investing in help multiplies your results by improving the quality and quantity of your results, and better results will influence and determine your income, position, and level of personal satisfaction in your work and life.

On the other overwhelming hand, if all results are dependent on you, you will never grow or scale.

As an effective leader, business owner, parent, family member, supervisor, or manager, you have to leave time in your day and life for planning, strategy, and vision.

If you’re stuck in the day to day monotonous, time-consuming, life sucking and unchallenging tasks and chores, you have no time or headspace to think bigger picture.

The truth is, the do it all myself mentality leads to exhaustion, inefficiency, and low productivity.

Now that I’ve beaten you over the head with the idea of investing in some help, I tend to do that when I’m passionate about something, it’s important to think about the “How?”

Because if this isn’t done correctly, delegating can and will blow up in your face.

I bet there’s been at least one time your expectations haven’t been yet – and you’ve thought “This is exactly why I need to do this MYSELF.”

I’d love to go through the RIGHT way and the WRONG way to get the help you need and deserve.

It really can be the difference between you “just getting by” and you “loving your life.”

Book a call with me here and let’s identify what burdens you can relieve and the most effective ways to get you there.

Can’t wait to hear from you.

Here’s to getting more of the right things done.



Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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