Are You Stuck In The Illusion Of Busyness?

It’s 9:08am.

You’ve got a laundry list of important things to do and are motivated to make headway. So you sit down to get it done and poof! Your day disappears.

It’s magic.

But not the fun kind that makes you oooh and ahhh.

More like, “Wait, don’t make it vanish! I haven’t gotten anything done yet!”

It’s frustrating when your time is held captive by dings, tweets, rings, chirps, beeps, Sam from HR, Betty from church, Shonda from the Principal’s office and your mom who promises “it will just take a minute.”  (yeah right).

But here’s the kicker.

You HAVE been taking action.

You’ve been dealing with the crisis.

You’ve been returning the calls.

You’ve been responding to the messages.

You are going, doing, answering, checking off the list All. Day. Long.

So why do you feel so unaccomplished?

You’re caught in the ever deceptive “Illusion of Productivity.”

And it goes something like this:

Step 1: You knock off the easy things, the low hanging fruit. (The email, the call, the invoice).

Step 2: You review your lists (again) going in circles instead of a linear, forward-moving path.

Step 3: You stagnate, circle back, have no clear direction and get back to some more low hanging fruit. (The email, the call, the invoice).

There’s no doubt about it. You are definitely busy.

And your busyness gives you the illusion of being productive.

But when you leave work and wrestle with getting nothing meaningful done, your feelings of productivity vanish.

Your success magically transforms into failure, frustration, or what could be the worst of all…disengagement due to mediocrity.

Yes, busyness makes you feel productive.

But busyness doesn’t always make you feel successful.

So what can you do about it?

Focus on the right things.

Here’s a little magic trick of my own.

Ask yourself this clarifying question every morning before you start your day.

At the end of the day today, what will I have done to make me feel successful?

Seriously. Don’t jump into your day without answering this question.

I typically like to keep it to three tasks like,

  • Go for a 45 minute walk
  • Write my blog
  • Create an outline for my coaching bonus

Notice it is not:

  • Spend 4 hours in email
  • Rewrite my to-do list
  • Scroll FB and feel jealous that everyone else is vacationing in Europe

This small but powerful exercise sets an intention for the day, gives you clarity on where to put your energy and most importantly, leaves you feeling successful each and every night.

And that is a magnificent way to live, don’t you think?

Productivity isn’t about cramming in more, more, more.

It’s about doing what aligns with your goals and values in the most effective way.

I love that feeling.

And I want you to experience it too.

So don’t settle for the illusion of productivity. Set your intentions and focus on the right things.

To you and your success,



P.S. If you want to bring this year home strong and set yourself up for an amazing 2020, join me for a VIP day. You me, 1:1, creating the life of your dreams. I only have a few spots left so send me an email if you’re ready to go or want to chat.

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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