Can The Real YOU Please Stand Up?

My brother is kind of a big wig in a well-known corporate company in NY.

So naturally when I was transitioning from the personal organization arena over to the business side, I gave him a call.

I was hoping he could connect me with some of his contacts for speaking and training opportunities. And as he was talking to me he started throwing out some “big” ideas and terms.

All of which I completely understood but wasn’t currently using on my site.

When I hung up the phone I was sweating. Rushing to my site to see if I’d referenced terms like “ROI”, “asset management”, and “results-oriented.” To my dismay, I hadn’t.

So I whipped onto the backend of my site and started changing up all my copy. You know, to make me “sound smarter.”

And in my effort of sounding smarter, guess what else I sounded like?


Everyone else who was offering similar services and expertise. They were using those same words and phrases as my smarty pants brother.

Of course there’s nothing wrong with that. You want to resonate with your audience, use their lingo and make sure you’re relatable to them. But there’s a fine line between speaking their language…and industry language. That latter of which can leave you sounding like everyone else.

In my experience, there are two ways to combat this issue.

1) How does what I do (provide) relate to my dream client?
2) How can I say this in a way that sounds like myself?

Lets break this down.

#1: How does what I do (provide) relate to my dream client?

That means what benefits does your service/product provide to your clients.

  • How does it make them feel?
  • What problem will it solve?
  • How will it make their life better or easier?

What this isn’t is a list of all your features, like number of pages, dimensions, quantities and appearance. That stuff can be addressed in FAQ’s or as secondary copy in the “details” section. But that shouldn’t be your lead message and copy.

Your most important copy should be about THEM. Their current experience and what their experience will look and feel like after working with you (or using your product).

#2: How can I say this in a way that sounds like myself?

How would you show up in front of your dream client and explain what you do/provide?

HINT: Pretend your dream client is your best friend. How would you speak to them?

This is how you want to write your copy. You don’t want to write in one voice (the one you might think you have to use) and then show up in reality as another.

This is your permission to speak, sound and write like YOU.

You are your own best spoke person. And following how everyone else sounds in your industry, won’t represent your unique style, personality and thought process that only you have.

So maybe I don’t sound “super smart” on my site. But I know by addressing how my prospects feel now and will feel after they work with me, and talking to them in my voice – I will attract my dream clients. And ultimately, that’s what gonna help my biz grow.

I’d love to hear your thoughts about this.

  • Was there ever a time you changed your copy to sound like the way you thought you should?
  • When you look at your site, are you guilty of doing that right now?

If so, you’ll love this week’s challenge.

Update one piece of marketing or a page on your site that you’ve been holding back being 100% you. And then, let me know what it is.

Because you know the first step in making it happen, is staying accountable. And I can’t wait to cheer you on.

Remember, you are unique, gifted and special. Holding back your true self is holding back your genius from the world. It’s time for the real you to stand up.

To you and your genuine voice,

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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