I might be more introverted than I thought.
Although I totally miss socializing, I’m enjoying my time at home.
I think it’s because life is simpler.
Not running around like a crazy person, from event to activity to meeting to place, morning until evening.
Also, as I get older I’m more selective about how I spend my time.
Like, I’d rather spend an evening with a few close friends than go to a big party with people I don’t know as well.
Aging, I mean, maturity, has me focusing on what truly brings me happiness.
- Where I spend my time.
- With whom I spend it.
- How I use my energy.
- How I feel.
- How I show up.
- What or who lights me up.
- When I’m at my best.
- How I make others feel.
- Why I do what I do.
If you can relate to this then slowing down these last few weeks might, in some ways, be really good for you too.
Inevitably, however, life as we knew it will resume.
- Our schedules will get busy.
- Our roads will get bustling.
- Our lives will get filled.
My hope is that we will hold on to the lessons we’ve reconnected with during this time.
That we retain our rediscovery of where happiness resides.
It’s going to require a recommitment.
A commitment to not overextend yourself.
A commitment to be fully present for meaningful people.
A commitment to focus on your health and well-being.
Will you commit?
I really hope so.
Here are a TWO ways to make it happen.
Number One: For the love of all things simple to do, please write down the people and things that mean the most to you right now. Actually make a list so you connect with your bigger why.
Before we move on, allow me to s-p-e-l-l t-h-i-s o-u-t.
When I say: “write it down” and you think: “great idea, I should do that one day.”
Truthbomb: That is NOT writing it down.
Seriously, ain’t nothing gonna get embedded in your life when it’s only in your brain.
If you’re reading this on your phone, go onto your Notes app and type in a list of the people and things that mean the most to you right now.
If you’re reading this on your laptop, computer or iPad, grab a notebook or open a Word doc and write (or type) the people and things that mean the most to you right now.
Let’s actually make this a valuable use of your time, shall we?
Cool. Now that you’ve captured your inner happiness thoughts let’s move on to:
Number Two: Create time, space, and energy for these people and things, in the simplest way possible, and join Life In Control. Why?
Because you’ve been trying to figure out how to get focused, change your habits, and stay on top of it all on your own for FAR TOO LONG. (How’s that working out for you?)
Aaaaand…because you’re a smarty pants and want to be grandfathered into the 60% off price right now. (I have never discounted this program before and likely will never again. Just sayin’.)
It’s imperative you take action now before you fall back into your old ways.
Because even if you have good intentions, do the right things, and work really hard, if you don’t have your time and energy mastered, you’re never going to be as successful or happy as you want.
With all my love,
P.S. If you want to know if Life In Control really is the best fit for you right now, set up some time with me to chat here. This is a big decision and I want to make sure I can give you everything you need.
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