How To Be Deliberate In 2020

We just got back from a stunning wedding and vacay in Spain. It was magnificent.

From the food to the people, to the culture — I was in love.

However…(you knew there was a, however)…the one thing that drove me bonkers was the time it took to get meals.

Within a few days, I’d learned that we needed to give ourselves a minimum of 90 minutes to enjoy lunch or dinner. More likely two hours.

Delicious meals were unhurriedly (and lovingly) prepared.

It was amazing to be immersed in a culture where leisure time is highly respected and valued.

Not just squeezed in over a long weekend a couple of times a year, but on a daily basis.

From our American standards of go, go, go! it really got me thinking about our lack of prioritizing ourselves.

I always remind my clients that downtime, me time, and joy time share equal footing with email time, proposal time, and meeting time.

So for 2020, I encourage you to think about WHERE you put your time and attention.

Instead of adding more goals this year, how about being more intentional about what you get rid of?

So you have more time to focus on what’s most important to you.

Because for every “Yes” you say, you say “No” to someone or something else.

>>Yes, to coaching the soccer team, means No to make meals those nights. 😔

>>Yes, to the Director of Events position, means No to Chair the charity you love. 😟

>>Yes, to sponsoring the Music Gala, means No to get the rest you need. 😭

>>Yes, to take on another project, means No to watch a movie with the kids Friday night. 😞

>>Yes, to the partnership, means No to finally writing your book. 😖

>>Yes, to another party, means No to organize your home. 😖

We live in a “yes” culture, where it’s expected that the person who is the go-getter says “yes” to everything is the one that will get ahead or be more liked.

Meanwhile, it’s the people who learn to say “no” that have more meaningful relationships and careers that really take off. 👏💪

You have one life to live. Make each and every day count.

Where will you be deliberate about investing your precious time and energy?

Shoot me a comment below and let me know.

Like anything we want to change, the first step is stating the intention.

Hope to hear from you!

With so much New Year love,



P.S. Got friends or colleagues who sometimes struggle with saying No? Forward this blog. They may need this encouragement more than you know.

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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