How To Feel Confident Even When You Fall Off The Wagon

Yup, it happened. Again.

Somewhere between my aching throat, guests in town, seemingly neverending home renovations, and the grand cougar of them all…Thanksgiving break…I completely fell off track.

Routine? What routine??

Seriously. I was sleeping in, not working out, eating crapola, barely planning…I’m disappointing myself just thinking about it. 🙁

Which meant what I was doing was reacting, feeling scattered, wasting time, and feeling unfulfilled.

Which then led to doubting my abilities, losing my confidence, not to mention, generally feeling like a slug.

No bueno.

In pre PD (personal development) stage of my life, I wallowed like this for months, perhaps even years.

To be honest, it was just a “way of life.”

Reacting to everything that was thrown my way or procrastinating what I knew I really should be doing is what I’d come to know, so it didn’t feel like anything needed to be “fixed.”

But now, post PD (personal development) stage of my life, my awareness has heightened and I am fully tapped into life on “the other side.”

What it’s like to feel in control, have composure, and be in the driver’s seat.

Pre PD I let life happen to me.

Post PD I create my own destiny.

So even when I fall completely off the wagon, I don’t fret. I don’t get discouraged. I don’t beat myself over it. (Not anymore that is).

I have this very confident feeling that “everything will be just fine.”

And it’s not because I’m one of those laid back, go where the wind takes me, kind of people.

(Seriously, my kids will likely need therapy recollecting their OCD mom!)

It’s because I have so much dang structure to fall back on.

  • Don’t know what to make for dinner? Let me check my meal plan.
  • Overflowing in emails? Let me follow my 3-step process to get them down.
  • All out of sorts? Let me jump back into my doable and super gratifying morning routine.
  • Can’t stay focused? Let me grab my easy peasy tools for avoiding distractions.
  • Not prepared for my meeting? Let me grab my checklist for pre, during, and post tasks. 
  • Have too much on my plate? Let me follow my process to successfully delegate (and/or delete!) 
  • Don’t know where to start on my projects? Let me leverage my templates.

When you are grounded in systems you release the fear and insecurity about what lies in the future.

It’s an awesome feeling.

I actually give myself so much more grace when I fall off track or fail miserably on what I set out to do.

I don’t sit in a bathtub of self-drudgery because I KNOW I can pick things up right where I left off simply because structures are in place.

I get it. Routines, systems, templates, processes…are not sexy.

So I like to focus on the benefits of them instead.

Freedom, clarity, fulfillment, accomplishment…Now we’re talkin’ fun!

When you find yourself in reaction mode, running by the seat of your pants, feeling scattered and chaotic and rather unfulfilled by it all…do you KNOW everything will quickly turnaround because you have systems in place?

If not you’re probably going to need more of them.

More systems, templates, and processes. Sorry, I meant more freedom, clarity, fulfillment, and accomplishment.

So yes, I am far from perfect.

But like many of the amazing people I work with, I have the skills to get back on track tomorrow or the next day or whenever the time is right, no matter how far I fall off routine.

I believe in you and your power to learn these skills too.

To get structure and systems in place so you have the confidence that “everything will be fine” even when life gets chaotic.

If you want to stop feeling overwhelmed EVEN when life gets crazy, shoot me a message at and let’s start a conversation.

If not — I’m here when you’re ready.



Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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