how to put an end to feeling behind

You don’t wake up thinking:

“Lord, please don’t send me help with my growing to-do list. I hope no one else crosses off anything but me.”


Yet we covet our to-do lists like crazy ladies. It’s all mine and I’ll keep adding more, more, more!

What we really should be coveting is our time.

Your time is valuable and you want more of it.

Think about how awesome it would be if you could have more space and presence in your day.

How it would feel to finally put an end to your exhaustion and overwhelm.

Want to know an easy way to make this happen?

Think about your to-do list from a time perspective instead of a task perspective.

Yup, this tiny shift in approach will take you from “I’m always behind!” to “I feel so good about what I got done!”

The fact is the way you look at your to-do list completely impacts your mood and confidence.

I know, crazy pants.

In my latest podcast, “Task focused vs. Time focused,” I share 3 simple steps to do this so you go from feeling defeated to feeling powerful.

Get your sweet ears on it right here: Apple | Spotify | Stitcher | My Site

I am not being dramatic when I say that I actually feel pain in my heart when smart and talented women feel defeated.

I want you to hit your business, financial, and personal goals out of the damn park —

and have a spacious and rewarding life!

But you can’t do that if you’re exhausted and drowning in self-sabotaging thinking.

Change your perspective, change your life.



Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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