If You’re Not Scared, You’re Doing It Wrong

I recently made a mistake on a call with an awesome woman interested in coaching.

I told her that in order to partner with me she had to be “100% in.”

By the end of our conversation, she said she was torn because she was only 80% there.

“What’s your other 20% saying?”

“I’m scared.”

Which in fact, was exactly where she needed to be.

What I should have made clear is that she needed to be 100% in on her effort, but NOT 100% sure of her decision.

That’s the thing about meaningful goals. 100% assurance is usually not the case.

We convince ourselves we should wait around until things “feel perfect” or when “everything falls into place just right.”

Spoiler Alert: It rarely does.

IF it does, chances are you’ve procrastinated a move or change or transition, which means you’ve permitted an opportunity cost along the way.

By waiting for “the time to be right” you gave up experience, memories, and your development.

And how do you really know that in the future your circumstances will be better than they are today?

There is always the chance they will be the same, or in many cases, even worse.

More distractions. More demands. More stress.

One of my most fave quotes of all time is:

“A year from now you will have wished you started today.”

If you had started one year ago, six months ago, even three months ago – imagine where you would be right now.

This is exactly the idea I kept landing on as I was looking for every reason to postpone a big personal goal.

It’s something that’s been gnawing at me since the summer. It requires a big commitment so I didn’t want to rush into it only to regret it shortly thereafter.

But several months later the voice inside me kept tugging at my heartstrings which is how I knew I should move forward.

Coincidentally, this was precisely when I came up with all the reasons I shouldn’t do it. (I’m so sneaky like that).

“I have too much going on.”

“I literally have NO idea how to get started.”

“I will be years behind everyone else.”

The truth is I am not 100% that I can succeed. (I’m feeling like 70% is the best case right now).

But I do know if I continue to procrastinate, a year from now I will have wished I started today.

Goals that are worth making are supposed to scare you.

If you sit in the comfort of what is already known, you rob yourself of the opportunity to grow.

You sabotage your success and ability to reach your goals.

You limit your potential.

So embrace the fear. Don’t use it as an excuse to NOT move forward, put off your dreams, or shut down that voice inside you.

And when you finally say yes, say “HECK YESSSS SISTER!” Give it 100%. Go in with enthusiasm. Get fired up.

It may work out just as planned. It may not. Who knows? Either way, it is better than living a life of “what if’s”?

And if your next paralyzing thought is: I have no idea how to start to…lose the weight / grow my business / manage all my to-do’s / have a more balanced life / feel more fulfilled / reach my goals.

Drop that excuse too and start taking action anyway.

Contact the coach. Buy the program. Read the book. Or I can introduce you to my friend, The Google, who has all types of awesome information. (Shoot me a reply if you want her contact info.)

Actions give you clarity. Take action.

You shouldn’t be 100% sure this is exactly what you need or it that it will work out exactly how you want.

You only need to know 100% that on the other side of the discomfort and uneasiness you will be happier that you tried.

To getting more of the right things done,



P.S.  By the way, my big hairy, scary goal that I am moving on (although I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing) is launching a podcast in early 2020. You read it first here…so I guess now it’s official.

I’d love to hear what you know you should do but is giving you knots in your stomach too. I believe in you SO BIG and I know your dreams are possible! Send them my way!

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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