It’s Official. I Love Being An Old Lady.

I am officially an old lady.

I was away for two weeks and about a week into our awesome vacay, I woke up feeling all out of sorts.

And a little cranky.

Like, “where’s my coffee?” and “why is it so loud in here!”

I used to look at that person and think “lighten up, old lady!”

And now, that old lady is me.

I realized I was craving my routine.

So I woke up the next morning, brewed my coffee that way I like it, meditated for 7 minutes and went for a walk. I made better-eating choices too.

I reactivated those simple activities I tend to let go of when I’m traveling.

And I immediately felt happier.

I’m actually not an old lady, but a smart one.

Aware of what makes me feel good, energized and nourished and feeding more of that into my lifestyle (vacation or not).

I can’t tell you how many amazing achievers I team up with that say their awareness alone has made significant changes about how they spend their time and where they put their focus.

The truth is, you don’t decrease your email time by eight hours a week, overnight.

You don’t make your morning more productive than it’s been in years, in one day.

BUT, when you commit to partnering with a coach, you increase your awareness immediately.

I’m talking pronto, right away, the minute you have your first call.

And that truly is the first step to making any type of transformation.

To be in a conscious state of recognizing your patterns and habits.

Let me put this into context. Does this sound familiar?

You start your workday with a list of priorities in front of you.

You tell yourself today is going to be different and by the end of the day, you’re going to feel super successful.

But before you jump in, you’ll just take a quick lookity-poo at your email. Just five minutes.

You look up, it’s noon, you haven’t gotten a thing done and already feel eight hours behind.

Now you’re full-on operating in a reactive mode so you’ll run a hundred miles an hour doing twelve different things to make up for lost time (and make yourself feel better).

Unfortunately, as you reach the end of the day you get that sunken feeling you’re all too familiar with thinking, “what did I get done today?”

What if instead, you developed the self-awareness to pull yourself away from distractions before they took over your day?

What if you naturally applied self-discipline instead of giving in to moments of overwhelm that hijack your priorities?

What if you recognized your emotional and mental triggers to grab you out of self-sabotaging practices that leave you drained and overwhelmed?

With greater self-awareness, you will develop intuitive decision-making skills.

And all those little choices you more positively make from morning till night, snowball into a rewarding day and life.

Heighten your awareness right now.

What is tearing you away from what you know you should be accomplishing today, tomorrow and this week?

And, what simple practices can you put in place to transform your choices?

I believe in you SO BIG and I know your dreams are possible… but it’s time we take control of our distractions and leave the frustration behind! We were made for more!



Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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