Mental Bullies That Will Destroy You

You were made for more than email.

You were made for more than text messages.

You were made for more than dings, rings, and chirps.

You, my sweet friend, were not put on this earth to spend your day in distractions.

The universe, God, your parents, did not have dreams of you head down, responding, reacting, worrying, stressing, and coping.

They did, however, have dreams of your contribution to the world. To your value on this planet.

What are YOUR dreams?

Where would you want to spend your time? Your energy? Your effort?

How about on:

  • Mentoring
  • Creating
  • Imagining
  • Developing
  • Contributing
  • Caring

You have more choice than you think.

Driven professionals do “all the right things.”

The right education, the right path, the right job – yet they feel like their day is in everyone else’s control.

Despite their best efforts, they give up their personal integrity in getting the most meaningful things done.

It’s no one’s fault.

We fall into patterns of disempowering busyness. Ho-hum mediocrity.

Well, I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be that way.

I invite you to shed this belief and live to your higher purpose.

Taking control starts with your thoughts.

You must pay attention to your thoughts so you can identify when you’re settling or beating yourself up over false beliefs.

You must catch yourself when you are thinking undesirable, self-critical thoughts.

They are bullies. Destroyers of self-esteem.

They convince you that you’re not worthy.

Even worse, they make you believe that your success lies in a zero inbox. 😲

Note to self: They lie.

In the interest of your self-worth, get those low-frequency thoughts out!

To do that you have to interrupt these thoughts and replace them with supportive ones.

Or you will create self-fulfilling prophecies of living with stress and anxiety.

When you catch yourself thinking:

  • “I’m no good at this.”
  • “I’m always behind.”
  • “I can’t get passed this.”
  • “I’m so overwhelmed.”

Reframe your thoughts to focus on what you HAVE achieved. Where you ARE successful. What you WILL accomplish.

  • “I will figure this out.”
  • “I will continue to show up as my best self.”
  • “I’ve been through worse…I’ll get through this too.”
  • “I’ll give my attention to what I can control, not to what I can’t.”

Your mind is a tool, and like any other tool, it can be used constructively or destructively.

You can allow your mind to be filled by unwanted and negative ideas, or you can choose desirable thoughts like gratitude, compassion, love, and joy.

Especially when you are drowning in emails and never-ending distractions, your mind can become your biggest enemy or your greatest supporter.

Get out of the noise for a few moments and sit with your thoughts.

Will you allow them to drown you in anxiety or take them by the reigns and reframe them so they boost your confidence?

I KNOW you can do the latter but ultimately…

The choice is yours!

What will YOU choose today? Mental bullies or supporters?

To getting more of the right things done.

With love,


Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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