Not getting the awesome results you want?

You know who you’re least accountable to?

You. Want proof?

  • When was the last time you told a friend you’d meet them at a restaurant and you just didn’t show up?
  • When was the last time you told your child you’d pick them up at school and went shopping instead?
  • When was the last time you told your supervisor you’d be at an important meeting and well, just…blew it off?

Considering how ambitious and conscientious you are, you probably can’t remember the last time.

On the other hand, (there’s always the other hand!):

  • When was the last time you told yourself you’d get to the gym, but didn’t?
  • When was the last time you told yourself you’d get up with alarm and hit snooze?
  • When was the last time you told yourself you’d cut down on sweets and gorged on that chocolate cake sitting in the kitchen?

As the Queen of Excuses myself, there’s no doubt, we are least accountable to ourselves. Without “accountability reinforcements” in place, we put ourselves at higher risk of failure all the time.

So I shouldn’t have been surprised about what happened while coaching a client recently.

We agreed she’d make a decision about a marketing tool for her business by the end of the month. But before we got off the phone she asked to move that deadline up by one week — to the next time we spoke.


You guessed it. So she could stay accountable. To me.

Accountability (outside of ourselves) is powerful. That’s why, for me, it’s a key part of goal setting.

Now I understand that you might not have a coach to hold you accountable to your goals but here are three easy ways you can add reinforcements into your life too.

Number One: Have someone else hold you accountable.

But here’s the deal. You don’t need a friend or spouse or mom to make excuses on your behalf. Choose someone you count on to to tell you what you really need to hear.

Example: You tell your friend about your commitment to get to the gym three times next week. Next week comes around and you have ample excuses about your late work hours, sleepless nights and sneakers falling apart. If your friend accepts these excuses (and even helps you justify them) — find another friend. This is not an accountability partner, but an excuse accelerator.

Number Two: Swap accountability with someone else. AKA: Get an accountability partner

Instead of just telling someone else what you’re going to accomplish in the next week, have them set a goal too. That way you’re holding each other accountable, which is even more motivating to stay on track. A little friendly competition can go a long way.

Example: You AND your friend commit to making at least three sales calls every day this week. You might agree to check in each morning with a text or ask each other how you did at the end of each day.

Number Three: Track your goal VISUALLY

If you’ve had trouble reaching goals, there’s a good chance you haven’t been consistently tracking your progress.

So here’s a really simple and effective way to track stuff you want to be doing.

  • Step #1: Print out this month’s calendar. Jump on Google, type in “printable calendar,” click on this month and press print. Seriously, do this now and do not overthink this!
  • Step #2: Hang it up right in front of you. Maybe over your laptop or smack in the middle of your fridge. Somewhere you’ll see it every. single. day.
  • Step #3: Get a pen (a dramatic red marker would be perfect!)
  • Final Step: Put a big X across each day you accomplish your goal. So if you’re committing to one hour of writing each day, put a big, beautiful, bold X on each of those days.

Why all the drama?

Because tracking on your iphone or your journal is one thing, but tracking progress in the open for you to see all the time, is entirely another.

This is not a shaming technique, but a motivational technique. Don’t hide your progress in a notebook, but celebrate it in the open. Plus it will serve as a constant reminder for you to make headway on your goal.

If you think this is a good idea for someone else but not you…then maybe you’re not as serious about your goals as you think you are.

And if you’re scared that tracking will show you what you haven’t accomplished, that’s a good thing.

If you don’t get a little bit outside of your comfort zone, nothing will change.

Like Nada. Zero. Zilch. And you don’t want that, do ya?

Whatever you’d love to accomplish before this year—starting a book, cutting out soda, developing a new product, finding your dream job, staying more focused—please don’t try it without these simple tools to gently push you out of your comfort zone and into your success.

Imagine what might happen if you got beyond relying on YOU and had the support you needed to see your goal through.

Imagine what might happen if with a little more reinforcements you could unlock the miracle you’ve been waiting for.

Now stop imagining and get the accountability you need!

Here’s to getting more of the right things done.

P.S. If you’re looking for another level of accountability to manage your day, time and habits without feeling overwhelmed — stop procrastinating! Take me up on a 100% no obligation free assessment. I would love to talk to you! Plus you’ll get to hear my weird NY/Nashville Northeastern twang. I’ve been called out on it a lot lately.

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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