Not Getting Results You Deserve?

I’ve been feeling all out of sorts lately.

Not sleeping well. Low on energy.

I’ve realized that as a result of our move, lots of travel, and kids sporadic schedules this summer, I completely fell off my routine the last few weeks.

One of the biggest contributors to my lower performance is letting my morning exercise go by the wayside.

You’ve heard it over and over again. Exercise is good for your health.

But guess what? It’s great for your productivity too.

Morning exercise wakes up your mind and spirit and gives you clarity about your day. It also starts the day off with a feeling of accomplishment. I can’t think of a better way to kick off your spirit and enthusiasm for the next twelve hours.

The even better news is that to get these benefits, you don’t need to sweat up a storm. Or run five miles. Or join a gym.

You just need to get your body moving. Research shows that low, moderate or high-intensity exercise will help to increase your energy.

Personally, I love walking. I’ll admit, putting on my sneakers and getting outside for a morning stroll takes some inertia and I can always find a reason to procrastinate.

Fold the laundry.
Send the email.
Unload the dishwasher.

The list is never-ending.

So I literally have to envision how good I’m going to feel once I get out there, for just long enough to tie my laces and open the front door. Squash those voices in your head telling you not to do it before they take over your senses.

Exercise might take the form of stretching, yoga, biking, hiking, cycling or even dancing to your favorite playlist. It doesn’t matter. Just get your body moving so you can clear your head and start your day with vibrancy.

The effect of exercise on your mood is immediate.

When you exercise, your body releases several different chemicals in your brain, known as neurotransmitters. These brain chemicals boost your mood, improve your appetite and enhance your sleep cycles. (Again, exactly what’s been negatively affected since I haven’t been exercising!)

Pretty powerful results for a few blocks around your neighborhood, isn’t it?

Exercise will keep you mentally sharper throughout the day too, not to mention your entire life. (Read below if you’re into living longer with less brain damage).

As researched and stated by Robert Pozen, Author of Extreme Productivity:

“A habit of regular exercise will help keep you mentally sharper throughout your entire life. As you age, your body generates fewer and fewer brain cells. However, early research suggests that exercise can help prevent this slowdown. In other words, by the time they reach their 50s, 60s, and 70s, people who exercise might have more brain cells than their more sedentary peers — giving them a major advantage in the workplace.”

Have I beat you over the head about this enough? I tend to do that when I’m passionate about simple ways to make a big impact.

But here’s the truth. All the research in the world about exercise and productivity likely isn’t going to get you going.

Ultimately, the only way you will be persuaded is to take action yourself. Create your own habit of morning movement, consistently.

I talk to people every day who want their life to be easier and more rewarding.

But you see their choices, behavior, and activity, and it looks like they don’t want it at all.

Or else they’d actually make changes. Lose their excuses. And like Nike says, Just Do It (already!)

If you seriously want to move forward and achieve even a smidge of your potential, start with the small but simple behavior changes.

Get into, get back to, or stick with, your morning exercise routine. (Btw, I need to hear this as much as you do).

Let me know in the comments below that you and I both have your commitment.

I’m keeping this short today as I’ve got to get out for my walk. 😉

Here’s to getting more of the right things done!


Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.


Mridu Parikh

We do! Good energy is key to having a great day. Thanks for joining the conversation Anshu. Xo, M


I am trying hard to retrain my brain into getting a different reaction when I hear the word “exercise”. Instead of making a face, I want to think “Great – that’s just what I want to do RIGHT NOW”.

And then go and do some simple exercises.

Mridu Parikh

I love that Joy! Completely reframe the word and your reaction. Great advice! Thank you. Xo,


Great post. I recently started listening to podcasts on my morning walks. I learn stuff, feast my eyes on beauty by walking in nature or in my favorite neighborhoods, and get all the regular benefits of exercise. I think it’s really important to exercise without any auditory input so the mind can relax, wander and be creative; but, on the occasions when I listen to podcasts, I get a lot out of that experience, too. Good to mix it up! Thanks for all you do 🙂

Mridu Parikh

Maria, I’m obsessed with podcasts. Can’t get me enough great information or inspiration in the morning! I also love listening to my playlists. I think anything you can do to make the thought of “exercise” more enjoyable, the better. Thank for all your support! Xo, Mridu

Scott Myers

I have been struggling with this as well! My wife and I were getting up every morning at 5:40 and going for a 45 minute walk, we loved it! We hated the days we missed. Then we went on a vacation, and now we just haven’t been able to get back into it!

Mridu Parikh

Changes in routine (like vacations!) totally throw you off, right? Love my vacay’s but so hard to get back into the swing of things. Ok, but you are committed. I mean it’s on the internet now. 😉 Start tomorrow. Just like that. Like you never stopped doing it. You love it so much I bet it will only take you a couple days to get back on track. Let me know you did it!
Rooting for your success, M


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