The Most Important Reason You Need To Plan…And It’s Not What You Think


You wake up already feeling behind.

Scrolling through your to-do list – everything is important.

  • Work on the project.
  • Get through email.
  • Return the calls.
  • Finish the proposal.
  • Shop for dinner.
  • Analyze the expenses.
  • Go for a walk.

The list goes on, as do your best efforts.

You KNOW you can get at least a dozen of those tasks done today.

But something unexpected happens.

7pm rolls around and you realize your emails took longer than you thought.

You never got to the proposal.

Your walk fell by the wayside.

Those dozen tasks you KNEW you’d get done? You only completed seven.

58% success. If you were in school, you’d get a big fat “F.”

Another day you’ve failed. Another day you remind yourself:

“I’ll always be behind.”

“I’ll never catch up.”

“Other people or things always take control of my day.”

Let’s rewind, shall we? Go back in time and imagine it this way.

You wake up feeling content.

You plan the next step on your project from 9am -10am.

You schedule three blocks to get through email.

You bring sneakers to work so you can walk outside while you’re returning phone calls during lunch.

You schedule two hours to finish the proposal.

You’re home in time to make a healthy dinner.

And of the six tasks you KNEW you’d get done, you completed all of them.

100% success. If you were in school, you’d get a big bright “A.”

Another day you’ve succeeded. Another day you remind yourself:

“I always accomplish what I set out to do.”

“I am so on top of things.”

“Can’t wait to see what I’ll get done tomorrow.”

And that might dear friend is The MOST important reason to plan your day.

Not only will planning help you be realistic…

Not only will planning help you feel less stressed…

Not only will planning help you get more done…

Planning will build your confidence.

It will strengthen your self-esteem.

It will leave you feeling like a winner, not a loser.

When you make an impact on this ONE THING, your motivation and inspiration will skyrocket each and every day.

Are you ready to feel more successful than you have in weeks? Months? Likely years?

It’s not rocket science…but there is an art and science behind it.

There is a right way to plan that is doable, manageable, and rewarding.

There is also a wrong way to plan that is impractical, stressful, and unsuccessful.

I’ve seen so many high achievers make things harder and more overwhelming for themselves than they need to.

Like you, they’re smart. They’re talented. They’re driven.

They should feel uber-successful.

But they regularly feel depleted and frustrated by their progress.

Whether you’re an Executive Director in corporate or the CEO of your own business, your daily and even hourly confidence is the cornerstone of how you show up, make decisions, and are perceived by others.

Your ability to plan and prioritize will hold you in a pattern of stuckness…

…or catapult you to the success you deserve.

If you’re ready to release confusion and mediocrity and feel fulfilled every single day, send me a note.

… it’s easier than you think. That I promise you.

To getting more of the right things done,


Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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