The Most Important Trait Of Truly Productive People

I want to get you excited today.

After working with so many smart and driven women and getting amazing results in reaching their goals and making the most of their time, I want to share with you the number one trait they have in common.

Before working together some people use this skill lightly.

Others use it more often, but not in all areas of their lives and certainly not to the level they have the potential to.

If you are an ambitious person the #1 asset you must learn to build and invest in is PLANNING.

I have yet to stumble upon an asset as costly, or as profitable, as PLANNING.

Planning impacts your income, consistency, control, relationships, personal development, fulfillment, and TIME.

If you’re not where you want to be I can guarantee it’s not a result of your intelligence – but a result of your lack of planning.

It is shocking how much of our time and energy is wasted on thinking about, reassessing, reprocessing, forgetting, remembering, recollecting, analyzing, and procrastinating about what we should be doing.

If you haven’t lost the weight, received the promotion, written the book, deepened your relationships, gotten more control, or learned the skill, you’ve spent more time on reacting, responding, avoiding, and repeating than on planning.

Planning is where the magic happens.

In most cases, I find clients are not stuck because they’re not doing anything. Of course, they’re working and hustling and doing all the things they’ve been told to do.

They’re simply planning in a way that DOESN’T WORK.

Let me bring it closer to home for you…

Last month one of my clients (Janet) planned the time and strategy to create a system she was able to delegate. This saved her three hours a week and priceless anxiety.

Could you benefit from having an extra three hours a week (or twelve hours a month)?

Last quarter another client (Jennifer) lost 15 pounds in her first two months of us working together.

How would you feel if you fit into your skinny jeans?

Last week another client (Jackie) went from feeling utter chaos nothing to enjoying a consistent routine so she could spend quality time with her kids and get back to gardening – a hobby she had given up on due to “no time.”

Where could you put your energy and time if YOU had more of it?

Your “cost” of not planning is the amount of money, fulfillment, control, consistency, and peace of mind that you deserve.

Improper planning will cost you more in the long run than almost anything else imaginable.

Shoot me a message if you need me. (

Always wishing you success in getting more of the right things done.



Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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