The Only Habit That Will Change Your Life

Most of my life I’ve struggled with self confidence.

Which may be surprising to some.

I speak on big stages.

I jump on live videos.

I express myself through blogs and books.

I do those “acts of confidence” only because underlying it all – I’ve developed one habit.

One habit that has transformed me from confusion to confidence.

One habit that has transformed me from drowning in chaos to living with clarity.

Just one habit that has catapulted me out of my ho-hum mediocrity to a life full of meaning.

It’s not the habit waking up early.

It’s not the habit of blocking my time.

And it’s not the habit of getting focused.

It is simply this.

The habit of courage.

Getting outside my comfort zone has been my number one habit for my growth, productivity, success, and happiness.

Here’s what happens when you operate without consistent acts of courage.

You stay stuck in your patterns of stress or anxiety.

You slowly drag instead of sprint ahead.

You see others get to levels you only wish you could achieve.

Here’s the thing about courage. It never comes from being “100% ready.”

When I hear from amazing people that they’re “not 100% sure about…”

  • trying a new approach
  • investing in themselves
  • exploring a new relationship…

I literally want to shake them and let them know:

You will never be 100% ready.

If you are, that means you are playing it safe. Living in your comfort zone.

While waiting around until you reach 100% certainty your current situation gets significantly worse.


Perhaps this sound familiar…

You know what you should do, you’re close to making the plunge but then your fear sets in.

Fear of failure. Fear of exposure. Fear of the unknown.

So just before you say “YES!” to more empowerment, ease, proven systems, or connectivity…you find a reason to stay in your comfort zone.

It’s so cozy. Familiar. Safe.

So you miss out on more ease, confidence, or clarity.

As a result your current circumstances become worse.

You spiral into the abyss even faster.

More stressed and frustrated…not to mention irritable and resentful.

But here’s the worst part. Seriously, the worst.

Instead of just calling it what it is: Fear (staying in your comfort zone) – you find other ways to justify it which usually involves demeaning yourself.

“I’ll never make this work.”

“I can never get on top of my (insert debilitating circumstance here).”

“I am so bad at managing my life.”

Really? Is that the result you’re looking for?

Unwarranted self-loathing and deprecation.


You could STOP waiting for 100% certainty, take a calculated risk, and get on with it already.

Yes, it is that simple.

If only I understood that the first three decades of my life!

But I’m here now and committed to embracing fear…to making courage a habit…because I am sick of feeling less than.

Which is why I’m so proud of driven people like you who take the first step.

They pick up the phone. They make the appointment. They have the honest conversation.

Everything great and awesome and fulfilling and rewarding is on the other side of fear. On the other side of comfort.

Stop waiting for 100% certainty.

Courage is within you. Step into it.

With love and gratitude,



P.S. Are you feeling stuck and want to know how to get out of it? Take the first courageous step and schedule a chat with me here.

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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