This makes me cringe big time

OMG sweet friend.

I just heard another one.

“I’m too old.”

“I don’t have enough experience.”

“They’d never let me work from home.”

“It’s too hard to learn.”

“It’s hasn’t been done like that before.”

“Who am I to ask?”

“Why would they listen to me?”

“I can’t say no.”


But to you, they sound like “practical reasoning.”

You convince yourself of a story you’ve essentially made up in your head. (Trust me, I’ve nailed this strategy).

It may be based on some truth, someone else’s experience, or in many cases, on no evidence at all.

In any case, it’s something conjured up to reinforce the belief you already have.

I recently had a client tell me she couldn’t make a career switch because “everyone” in that industry is looking for someone younger.

I asked her how many jobs she applied to and she meekly answered: “Two.”

Oh well, in that case, if TWO whole companies in the entire world said “no”, there’s no way anyone could say “yes!”

The reality is whether she applied to two jobs or twenty, she would find evidence to support what she already believed.

For years my story was that no one would want to hear me speak or allow me to coach them without a degree in my field or an MBA.

So I put off my dreams for YEARS. That’s years not making an impact on the world and absolutely loving what I’m doing. What a waste of precious time!

I look at productivity as a tool to get more fulfillment out of life.

So one of the most powerful ways to be more productive, to get more fulfillment – is to let go of your stories.

They are nothing but limiting beliefs that are squashing your dreams and holding you back from your true potential.


If you want to get more on top of your shizzle, then find the resources to get more on top of your shizzle.

If you want to get into great shape, then find the resources to get into great shape.

If you want to get more organized, then find the resources to get more organized.

If you want to get more in control of your time and life, then find the resources to get more control of your time and life.

But whatever you do, don’t give in to your stories.

Don’t allow them to limit your effectiveness, your value, and your contribution to the world.

Anything less is cringe-worthy.

And you, my friend, don’t look good in cringe. 😁

If you want to chat about getting over your own personal story that’s been holding you back from a life on your terms, shoot me a note at and let’s connect.

Here’s to getting more of the right things done!

With love and appreciation,


Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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