Three Steps To Get You In The Driver’s Seat

I just got back from a magical trip to India for my niece’s stunning destination wedding.

As you can imagine, before I left, my schedule was insane.

I had a ton of carpools, activities, and lessons to coordinate for my son.

I had lots of client support and lessons to plan.

I had in-person time management training every day the week I left.

Two days before my trip, a family member ended up in the hospital. All ended well, but I lost a full day just when I needed it most.

Yet, I managed to get everything done and get a good night’s sleep before my long journey.

Fortunately, over years of painstaking trial and error, I’ve learned how to reverse engineer my plans, while being able to take into account much-needed buffer time.

Whether it’s waking up with a plan for your day or getting your life organized halfway around the world – FEELING IN CONTROL is no easy feat.

But when it works, the results are liberating.

It’s the difference between swirling in a tornado of chaos or standing on top of mountain soaking in the sun’s rays.

When YOU are in control, YOU run the day instead of the day running you.

Without a methodology, without a plan of operation – someone or something will ALWAYS take your time or attention away from what you really SHOULD be doing. (The email, the call, the text, the person).

Losing control is easy.

Surprisingly, getting control is simple too.

But as you know, simple is not always easy to do.

Nonetheless, here are three simple steps to get and stay in control.

#1: Set goals

#2: Plan

#3: Stay focused

Follow these three steps, rinse and repeat.

You will get your BEST results.

Set goals so you know EXACTLY what will make the greatest impact in your life vs. going through the motions every day hoping you’ll get there eventually.

Plan ahead so you have the exact roadmap to get you to your goals in the most efficient and effective way. (Stop spinning your wheels and feeling frustrated).

Stay focused so you don’t veer off course OR spend weeks, months, and even years longer than you should be to get what you want and deserve.

Miss any of these steps and you get stuck in a pattern of reacting, feeling stuck, or cycling through overwhelming bouts of doubt and anxiety.

Follow these steps and live your life on purpose. Make more of the right things happen without spiraling out of control.

You have a choice.

Continue how you’re doing things now and limit your ability to stay focused, plan ahead and reach your destination.

Or get intentional so you crush your goals while actually enjoying the process along the way.

It’s up to you. What’s it gonna be?

Want to chat about it?

Shoot me a message at and let’s brainstorm ways to get you BACK IN THE DRIVER’S SEAT.



Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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