Top 5 Feel Good Reasons To Simplify

I’m a lucky duck. The hubster and I are in the middle of a big home remodel which is so exciting. We’re making our place (and life) more functional and streamlined.

If you’ve been with me for a while you know I’m a big fan of simplicity. Loves me an organized closet, an efficient list-making tool, and a decluttered workspace. Hea-ven!

I consider myself to be somewhat minimal so what has been happening over the last few weeks has shocked me.

I have been in complete awe about how much stuff I continue to get out of our home. Like it doesn’t seem to end.

Cabinet after cabinet, closet after closet, random space between the cabinet and closet after random space, I discover more ratty towels, barely used shoes, outdated electronics, never read books, overworn jeans, once touched stationery, never-looked-at binders, why’d-I-buy-this accessories, didn’t-even-know-I-had-this appliance, way too expired newsletter, and ain’t-gonna-use-them furniture pieces and so much more.

Moving takes decluttering to a whole new level. It really is the best benefit of quite a painstaking experience.

And as I’m piling it all in my car, going back and forth to Goodwill, I can’t help but feel elated, uplifted and liberated by the mental, physical and emotional freedom that letting go affords me. I have become so much more ruthless about what I eliminate.

So today I want to tell you the five most powerful effects simplifying has had and will continue to have, in my life. It’s empowered me in ways I couldn’t imagine and I hope by sharing this you’ll be inspired too.

#1: I have more time for my relationships.

Without the clutter and chaos around me, I have more time, energy and space to focus on my children, my marriage, my friendships, and my family. Without the overwhelm of stuff, I’m not overstimulated which means I’m kinder to people around me. I have more tolerance, I’m focused on what and WHO is really important to me. That also includes the relationship with myself. I have more time for self-care. And I know when I take better care of myself, I take better care of everyone around me.

#2: I’m less distracted.

There are more than enough distractions in my life without adding clutter to them. Social media, kids, sports, family commitments, emotional highs and lows, the demands of work. But by quieting the circumstances in my life and simplifying things around me that don’t serve me, those are a lot of distractions that are simply eliminated. I think more clearly, I feel calmer, and I am in greater alignment with how I want to show up every day.

#3: I’ve become more giving.

The more I’ve simplified, the more I see things as a gift that I have that I’m able to give to others. I know I live in abundance. The fact that I even have clutter or unused or unloved stuff is evidence of that. So now I easily detach myself from items without the guilt or negative feelings – knowing that by letting go of it, I’m potentially helping someone else in the world not as fortunate as myself. I’ve chosen to live with simplicity but many people live a simple life because they don’t have the resources to live any other way. If I can bless someone else out of my abundance – then I choose to do that.

#4: I have a greater appreciation for my things.

I love clothes, linens, journals, furniture and beautiful things in my life. But I’m so much more intentional about them than I used to be. Which actually means I have nicer things now than I used to have. I bring in less, but it’s stuff I really love and use. So I truly appreciate each item, am more joyful each time I use an item and feel better about myself and my lifestyle. This applies to my home and to my work. My workplace is my sanctuary as much as my bedroom. I want to be surrounded by inspiration and beauty and I know I can only do that by having a few things of greater value (I’m talking emotional value here). Less really is more.

#5: I take on less burden.

I know as an innate nurturer, caretaker and mom, I felt like I was always the one who was responsible for everything in the house and knowing where everything was and having to keep track of it all. As a business owner, natural guardian and perpetual perfectionist, I felt like no one could do everything as well or with as much integrity as I could. And although there was definitely a part of me that took pride in “doing it all”, I didn’t even realize how much of a burden it was – until I was doing much less of it. By simplifying, everyone can better keep track of their stuff, take responsibility, and build their strengths. This allows me to delegate much more and ultimately, give me more time for what is most important to me: my relationships.

So there you have it. My top five benefits of living simply.

Now here’s what I’d love to hear from YOU.

Which one of these benefits resonated with you most? Was there something you’d like to see more of in your life? Or, are there other ways you’ve benefitted from simplifying your life?

Your thoughts are so inspiring. Thank you for sharing!

I want to leave you with one last thought.

The only time I’ve fretted over an item was when it was IN my life. Once I let go of it I never spent time, space, or energy on thinking about how much it cost, or how much I did (or didn’t use it), or who gave it to me. Those thoughts simply disappeared once the piece was out of my home or office and out of my sight.

So go ahead and donate something you’ve been struggling to get rid of for a while. I bet you’ll feel the same way too.

Here’s to getting more of the right things done!



Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.



Love this. The more I get rid of – the better! After 14 years in our home, we are now replacing the flooring – ourselves…(well, husband. I just keep cleaning the dust..). This leads us to realize 1) we are doing a great job with the surfaces and main spaces! 2) I am dreading the guest room closest and my closet…..

We have so much more than we realize and most of us do not move on a regular basis! Taking just 15 minutes on one small space a week can net amazing results.

Thanks again for the article – what a great reminder!

Mridu Parikh

Kelly, how exciting to make home improvements. And there are always the dreaded closets. 😉 Amazing how much stuff we accumulate over time. I completely agree with your 15-minute approach. Makes the overwhelm much more manageable! Thanks for your inspiration. Xo, Mridu


Number 1 is the item which resonated the most with me. As I declutter, I feel less guilty, less pushed, and more able to relax. Therefore (as Mridu said) it’s easier to be kinder and have more tolerance which leads to more quality time with people and better relationships. Seems strange, but it’s actually easier to hear what people are saying when one isn’t surrounded by as many items.

Mridu Parikh

Carol, thank you for sharing your experience. Love to hear how much more relaxed and less guilty you feel as you declutter. Great insight and awesome words to live by. Xo, Mridu


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