Two simple Q’s to help you smash procrastination

I don’t know about you but it has taken me two weeks to get my head back in the game. I’ve been working since the new year, but after disconnecting for ten days, I’ll admit I haven’t been nearly as effective as I know I’m capable of.

And that’s okay. (For you and me both).

It’s not something you want to make a habit of, but know there are times to give yourself grace.

So now I’m back into routine, totally pumped and reinvigorated but mostly…overwhelmed.

As I found myself spinning in circles this morning, my brain racing with thoughts, I essentially spiraled into uselessness.

You know, when you’re so busy doing all the things, except that you’re really not doing anything at all.

Anyway, I took my own advice and wrote down everything that was in my head. I’m talking “write blog post” to “buy nail file” to “walk for 20 minutes.” Everything.

A massive brain dump later, I was momentarily relieved to spew it all out.

But then the exact feeling I was trying to dispel set right back in. Over. Freakin’. Whelm.

My list was so long, my brain hurt. Real bad.

Maybe it was better all up in my head so I could continue to buzz around my home and office and at least pretend I was getting stuff done.

But it was out there, just waiting for me to take action, taunting my state of paralysis. Do something woman! 

So I did exactly what I would walk my clients through.

And just like that, the overwhelm dissipated, my shoulders relaxed and with a triumphant push I worked my way through my first to-do – and even made my way to writing this post.

There are two motivating questions to ask yourself in a situation like this. Here’s the first one:

What do I need to do to make today FEEL successful?

The answer to this question is always related to your bigger goals.

If your goals for work are to launch a new program, learn a new skill (lets say asking for referrals) and create a video series, what are 1-3 completed tasks that would make you feel successful in any of these areas? Perhaps you could:

  • ​Read one chapter in your new “Get More Referrals” book
  • Write the outline for your video series
  • Spend one hour researching programs to help guide your video production

If your personal goals are to lose weight, get on a consistent routine and spend more time with your family, what are 1-3 completed tasks that would make you feel successful in any of these areas?​ Perhaps you could:

  • Get to the gym
  • Plan what to get together to make tomorrow morning smooth sailing
  • Pick up a movie on your way home to watch with your family tonight

Now that you’ve identified the steps you could take to reach your bigger goals, you need to do one more important thing to make what you have down on paper, reality.

Ask yourself this second question:

When will I get it done?

Don’t make the mistake of thinking about this all in your head. Remember, that’s what got you in this overwhelmed state in the first place.

Instead, block the time on your schedule or planner to get those tasks done. This is when you truly melt away the confusion and uncertainty.

Planning gives you clarity. Clarity motivates action.

And just like that, you move from paralysis to projecting amazing energy into the world.

With 3-5 of these tasks complete, I’m betting you’d feel accomplished at the end of the day, and inspired to take more action tomorrow.

Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed with the bajillions of things you need to do, I hope you test out these two questions. They have served my very well! 🙂



P.S. Got a friend, client or colleague who feels overwhelmed too? Be a gem and forward this post to them.

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.



Hi Mridu! I have today off from work because we had a snow storm and it’s not safe to be out…but, now that I’m home, I’m not sure what to do with myself even though there are TONS of things to do around here!! When I’m at work, I can think of all kinds of things I want to accomplish at home. I’ve done some maintenance things such as bringing in wood, feeding the kitties, vacuuming, and doing a load of laundry that I need to put into the dryer, but don’t feel like I’m making much progress for the day and am wasting my bonus time.

Your question “What do I need to do to make today feel successful?” is timely advice because it will help me narrow my focus on how to make today feel successful and hopefully, I’ll figure something out!!


Mridu Parikh

Diane, so glad that that question helped you clarify what to do. But btw, give yourself some grace enjoy a snow day every now and then! 😉 xo

Cher Brannon

Thanks I really needed this push today. I had great PLANS for the new year and already feel like I am behind and tempted to throw in the towel. Love your peppy fun take on the things we often feel are ours alone. It helps to know that even the PROs feel overwhelmed at times too. Thanks again and God Bless you and yours in 2018 and beyond! Cher

Mridu Parikh

Right back at you Cher! Wishing you all the best in 2018! And yes, us “pros” (haha!) have the same battles with procrastination, fear and overwhelm as anyone else. I just know how to react better now that I’ve been practicing skills to overcome them for a long time! 🙂 Thank you for your message. Can’t wait for us to connect again. Xoxo, M


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