Want To See How One Tiny Change Is All You Really Need?

My sister-in-law is a great cook.

Me – not so much.

Among her many mouth-watering dishes, she makes amazing keema (Indian meat dish).

For the longest time, I wanted to learn how she did it.

At the same time, I didn’t ask.

I knew anything that tasty was going to be a lot more complicated than my simple recipe. (And I’m not a fan of cooking any longer than I need to).

But I finally got over it and asked her how she created her awesomeness.

Surprisingly, she uses the same exact ingredients that I do. Like, down to the last spice.

So why did hers taste so much better?

The magic was in the preparation.

She had some tiny tweaks to how she was adding ingredients or quantities of certain spices.

Like I saute the onions, garlic, ginger, and tomatoes together.

She does the onions and tomatoes first, removes them from the pot, then adds the garlic and ginger to the meat separately.

I’m not gonna lie. At first, her tweaks seemed insignificant.

Until I tried it her way and my keema came out uh-mazing!

Although here’s what amazed me the most.

I didn’t need to scrap my entire recipe.

I didn’t need to buy all new ingredients.

I didn’t need to invest in fancy pots.

To get a massive improvement, I just needed a few tiny tweaks to a recipe I was already using.

Your success is like that too.

I can’t tell you the excitement my clients’ experience in their journey to feeling in control.

They put off getting support due to the fear of making big changes.

And then are shocked when they reach their goals with small shifts – tiny tweaks in fact.

Like Suzie, who knew she needed a healthier and more grounded morning routine.

From the moment her eyes opened she felt scattered, anxious, and exhausted.

Always running late, kids barely making it out the door, inevitably a lunch or permission slip or proposal was overlooked or left behind.

She finally got the support she needed.

But was dreading the total makeover she would need to get her life in order.

And then, almost immediately, the brain fog lifted.

Without a new game plan.

Without an entirely new schedule.

Without starting from scratch.

We tweaked her first action when she woke up.

We tweaked the placement of her workout clothes.

We tweaked her nighttime ritual to make her morning run more smoothly.

And within just a couple of days, she was completely in control of her mornings, replacing her anxiety and crankiness with energy and positivity.

Everyone fed, happy, and dare she say it…equipped with everything they needed to get through their day successfully.

Small adjustments make a big impact.

It feels a little surreal at first. Really? Was that all I needed to do?

Followed by a strong surge of confidence. Really. I guess that was all I needed to do.

We procrastinate change in fear of anticipated discomfort.

Until one day we realize weeks, months, even years have gone by with barely any improvements at all.

So we finally muster up the courage to embrace the discomfort.

Only to find it was never that uncomfortable in the first place. (Small adjustments make a big impact).

If you’re ready for big success without turning your life upside down, listen to that voice inside you that been telling you, “it doesn’t need to be this hard.”

Because guess what?

It doesn’t need to be this hard.

I’ll be waiting to chat with you here.

To getting more of the right things done,



Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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