Wanna hear a quick love story?
I started dating my then boyfriend on May 15th. He proposed August 13th. Bam!
But wrap your head around this.
Within 2 1/2 months we pulled off a massive wedding. I’m talking 500 people.
Yes, 500.
Five times more than my graduating class in high school. (omg!)
Oh, and to add in more stress…(uh, I mean fun)…we like to throw several big ass parties before the wedding.
- Like we had a 100 person get together (close family of course!) for a religious ceremony about a month before the wedding.
- 200 people at my parents house three days before the wedding (for the mehndi or “henna ceremony”)
- 400 people two nights before for a huge celebration.
- And of course, why not throw in a morning before with about 60 of our family members for a blessing ceremony.
I just got stressed typing that.
Ok. So how did we pull that off in less than ten weeks?
Well, besides with the help of our super talented, amazing parents…
We were all focused on the same goal.
Once we picked the date and secured the venue, it was head down, pedal to the metal. We were two families focused on making one thing happen.
It took serious goal-setting, planning, accountability, delegation, negotiation, timelines and organization…not to mention the emotional highs and lows of getting exactly what we wanted in some cases and not getting what we were expecting in others.
In many respects it was like…starting a business.
So you might wonder how it all went off without a hitch.
Let me count the imperfect ways dear friend.
Shall we start with my grandmother getting stuck in Manhattan traffic for over an hour causing us to start the ceremony 90 minutes late?
Or shall we begin with our parents “head table” being put at the very back of the 500 person room?
Or should we mosey into my husband almost catching on fire as we performed the ceremony around a firepit?
But here’s what my friends and family STILL say to this very day about our wedding.
(And I’m not making this stuff up).
“Your wedding was one of the most fun ones I ever went to.”
“I had the BEST time at your wedding.”
“Can you help me organize my wedding?”
Say whaaaaaaatt???
In my perfectionist mind, there were many things that were disastrous.
But as far as guests were concerned, they LOVED the music (one of the best dj’s in NY – just sayin’). The food was amazing and overall they had a blast.
Like the great Maya Angelou once said:
“People won’t remember what you said, they’ll remember how you made them feel.”
I always remind myself of my wedding experience when I’m worried that things aren’t perfect in my business.
- Maybe my marketing isn’t at flawless as someone else’s.
- Maybe my office isn’t as fancy.
- Maybe my course isn’t as well polished.
- Maybe, maybe, maybe…
But one thing I’m confident about is that my clients feel pretty darn awesome working with me.
* They’re fully supported.
* They’re understood.
* I truly empathize with them (and even get choked up about their situations).
* I’m totally looking out for their best interests
* I’m ALWAYS in their corner
So yes, even with all the goal-setting, planning, accountability, delegation, negotiation, timelines and organization – I still may not have my biz nailed the way I’d it to be.
But I’m going to do everything I can to give my clients an awesome experience.
That’s what’s going to keep them happy, motivated and quite frankly, coming back for more.
Focusing on an end goal, makes things happen. But how you make people feel when you get there, is what really matters.
Which brings me to this week’s challenge. In fact, this week is a double challenge. (Duh, duh, duuuuuuuuhhhh….)
Please join me in the conversation down below to let me know if:
- You ever feel insecure or worried that your biz isn’t “up to par”?
- How can you make your customers or clients experience so “WOW” that none of #1 would matter?
I know it’s a big topic.
But I also know you’re a driven and ambitious smartypants, so you’re up for the challenge.
Remember, people buy from people they know, like and trust.
People come back to people that make them feel good.
People refer people who care about their success and well-being.
And that’s how you get….more of the right things done!
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