I’m not a big fan of cooking. Which is why I love shortcuts.
Last week I tried a recipe that required cooking the sauce and the chicken in separate pans.
Being the efficiency master that I am – I dumped everything into one pan.
No surprise, it came out mushy, sticky and looked totally unappealing. Worse off, it felt like a waste of my precious time.
You know what?
This might be how you’re planning your day.
Always looking for shortcuts – but adding them in the WRONG PLACES.
You’re scattering from one task to the other because you don’t understand the importance of doing things in sequence.
Your lack of planning means burning the majority of your energy doing stuff that just doesn’t yield results.
And like my dinner, you end up with mush, confusion and a totally unrewarding situation.
Chances are you’re making lots of small errors that take you down the wrong path.
That have you questioning why results are taking so long or why things haven’t panned out the way you’d hoped.
You’re going through the motions…yet wishing that somehow…this time it will be different.
Sequence matters.
If you’re flying by the seat of your pants and not getting the success you know you are capable of, doing things out of sequence is HOLDING YOU BACK.
It is limiting your success.
It is keeping you in a pattern of mediocrity.
It is adding to your overwhelmed state.
When you have the knowledge and know-how of how to implement your IDEAL WEEK or your PERFECT DAY, you will have exactly the sequence you need to crush your results.
You don’t get there by taking random steps when demands are being thrown at you.
You get there because you have a roadmap, and even when there are bumps, you simply take the next RIGHT turn.
And a series of right turns gets you to your final destination – without feeling overwhelmed or guilty.
Take it from someone who lived in REACTIONARY MODE for years.
Following the roadmap is a divine way of operating.
Now, the way I see it you have two choices.
You can continue going down the path you are now.
Implementing shortcuts that are actually adding time, frustration and stress to your life.
Or you can go down path #2, laid out in a sequence that SHORTENS your to-do list, anxiety, and overwhelm.
You know which path I believe you should choose. But we’ve got to meet halfway.
Let’s jump on a free, no obligation call and figure out how to get you there.
Here’s to getting more of the right things done.
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