When You Know Exactly What You Need

People like us get a flutter of excitement when we finally depart with magazines.

We get a shot of delight when we glance at a meticulously planned calendar.

We get a dose of victory when all our tasks are crossed off our list.

We also get a panic attack when our inboxes are overflowing.

We experience irregular heartbeats when our desk is strewn with papers.

We shiver to think about what’s waiting at home after we leave work.

Your usually organized lifestyle is replaced by an uneasy and foreign feeling of scatteredness and chaos.

At very best it’s awkward.

At very worst it’s maddening.

This is NOT the way you want to feel or live.

Dropping the ball on stuff.

Not being able to get through one list without another list piling on top.

Maxing out on stress on a daily basis.

With so many things you need to see through and other people and demands pulling you away, you can’t ever seem to finish what you started.

This is not where you want to BE.

And yet, you know EXACTLY what you NEED.

A system to more efficiently get stuff done. A way to streamline everything you’ve got going on.

Hear this friend.

Your ability to pick up the pieces, manage all the details, handle everyone’s emotions, and constantly save the day are some of your GREATEST assets.

But without systems and boundaries in place for doing so, your superpowers are keeping you in a holding pattern or more likely, spiraling you into an anxiety-ridden abyss. (NOT FUN!!)

Without a step-by-step process, you’re flying by the seat of your pants, reacting to everything and everyone thrown your way.

Because you’re so close to it, you can’t see the forest for the trees.

Which is why you can continue to complain about the amount of stress you have or how overwhelmed you feel…


You can do something about it.

I was on a hamster wheel making way too many excuses, for way too many disappointments, for way too many years.

I hope you learn from my mistakes.

This is not something you have to “learn to live with” or a feeling you’ll “just get used to.”

Your reactive state that is hampering your progress is 100% fixable.

Get the systems and boundaries you need to create the results and future you deserve.

If you want help figuring it out, shoot me a message back.

Here’s to getting more of the right things done,



Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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