Why Do You Feel So Lost?

Picture this. It’s 2014.

I was burnt out and wallowing in business shame.

I was running a home organization platform, creating online workshops and tutorials—but things weren’t going as awesome as they seemed.

I was spending way too many hours, building up way too much stress, while making way too little of an impact.

Which affected me in many underlying ways.

I was snippy with my kids. Snarky with my husband.

Falling into terrible eating habits. Not moving enough.

I felt desperate to keep pleasing, doing all the things.

Even when people made ridiculous demands, I didn’t have the confidence to set boundaries and do what I knew I should be doing.

After years of barely keeping my head above water, I’d accepted that this was the best that I could do.

Truthfully – I was lost.

If you feel the same way you know what you’re currently doing isn’t working.

But you’re also confused about the right next step.

As a high performer, you feel like you should have it all figured out.

You’re old enough to know what to do.

You’re experienced enough to know how to do it.

You’re smart enough to know where to find the answers.

How’s that working out for you?

For me, it was terrible. I kept trying the strategies, buying the tools, reading the books, and downloading the apps.

I was so discouraged. Always living in my own head.

When I thought about how confused and overwhelmed I was it made me procrastinate even more or simply shut down.

I’d wake up the next morning doing exactly what I did the day before and wonder why I continued to feel like so scattered and anxious.

Unfortunately, I had to reach rock bottom to finally invest in the help I needed.

And for the first time in years instead of feeling like I failed, I knew exactly what I needed to do.

Get out of my own way.

Calling in support and guidance where I couldn’t see clearly, where I felt so stuck, was the best thing I ever did for my biz, my sanity, and my quite frankly, my life.

Would I have figured things out on my own eventually? Probably.

But after years of struggling, I’m happy I didn’t waste more time and happiness on rolling the dice.

So now – I love being a student. I’ve had support ever since then and have never looked back.

At the end of our lives, we will look back and think, “did I do everything I could to become the person I wanted to be?”

I hope I say “yes.”

I hope you do too.

If you’re ready to stop feeling lost, jump on my calendar here for a free call with me.

Here’s to getting more of the right things done.



Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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