Why You Need To Focus On Solutions

When I started my business (as a professional home organizer) I was beyond excited to finally follow my passion and go after my dreams.


…reality set in.

The saying “build it and they will come” didn’t exactly deliver.

With crickets in my pipeline, I doubted my abilities, both as a professional and as a business owner.

I didn’t have enough experience.

I didn’t have dozens of testimonials.

I didn’t have a fancy website or marketing materials.

I didn’t have a team.

I told myself every reason why my options were limited.

I was also flustered by all the processes, procedures, and paperwork I needed to get into place for legal, taxes, and proprietary purposes.

In fact, I found that one problem perpetuated another.

The more I thought about my business, the more I sunk into a pit of roadblocks.

My exciting dream felt like a big fat failure which pounded my confidence and self-esteem.

Months later, I remember listening to a podcast and fixating on one particular saying.

“Focus on the solution, not the problem.”

It hit me dead in my tracks.

I was so focused on everything I couldn’t do, what I didn’t have, what I didn’t know, and how I couldn’t serve that I spiraled into a paralyzing state of confusion and overwhelm.

Instead of focusing on finding the answers to my problems, I focused on one problem adding to another.

You might be doing the same.

Complaining about how you “don’t have enough time.”

Wondering how “everyone else gets it all done.”

Convincing yourself that “this is how it’s supposed to be.”

Worrying that you’re not “being a good role model.”

Stressing about not being able “to get it all done.”

Believing that you “will never catch up.”

It’s one problem compounding the other, even though you’re trying to fix things.

Your problems just take up so much energy and brain space that you barely have room left to think about solutions clearly.

What if I told you didn’t have to?

What if you had the step-by-step plan laid out in front of you, customized to your specific needs, work structure, and home dynamics?

What if you could focus on the solutions by learning at warp-speed what it would take you to learn on your own?

Sometimes the solutions are right in front of us but we let our “I should already know how to do this!” pride get in the way.

I know I made it way harder on myself for years. Trying to figure it out on my own when the truth was – I was just in my own way.

That was a lot of time wasted and a lot of energy expended.

I don’t want you to do the same.

But it’s up to YOU to decide what you want to focus on.

The problem or the solution.

If you’re ready for a solution, book a free call with me here to so we can get to know each other better.

Problems keep you stuck. Solutions set you free.

To getting more of the right things done,



Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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