You Are Doing This All Wrong

Check email. Jump on Facebook.

Respond to text. Pour coffee.

Respond to email. Wake up kids.

Jump in shower. Heat coffee.

Make list. Pour cereal.

Reorganize list. Send text.

Your scattered brain reacts this way all day long…and you haven’t even been up for an hour yet.

You wonder why when your head hits the pillow, you’re exhausted, mentally drained, yet feeling like, “I got nothing today.”

What’s worse is we’ve accepted this as a “normal” way to live.

When in reality, it’s an accepted practice of mediocrity. Ouch.

One thing I know about high performers.

Feeling less than is unmotivating and unattractive.

I hate days when I recognize I simply went through the motions. Eeeww.

It’s like, “Really, did I just put in fourteen hours straight, barely keeping my head above water to wake up with even more stress tomorrow?”

For high achievers like us that is the Worst. Feeling. Ever.

The truth is you’re going about your day all wrong.

Operating from a perpetual state of reactiveness. Always putting other people’s needs ahead of yours. Never respecting your own time or plan.

Uh, yes, you are supposed to have a plan.

It is not your fault.

Everything you do stems from a deep sense of integrity.

You strive to be the best leader. Mom. Friend. Coach. Daughter. Executive. Caretaker. Strategist.

But here’s something you need to hear superwoman.

Your life is chaotic not because your aspirations are too high or because you work too hard.

Your life is chaotic because you lack a DAILY plan to handle it all.

You lack a systematic methodology to respond to the beeps, dings, and chirps. To delegate the stuff you know you shouldn’t be doing. To process your never-ending to-dos and requests.

To get a handle on ALL the projects with ALL the moving parts in ALL the areas of your life.

When I finally learned how to move from a constant scatteredness of thoughts and chaos to a focused and streamlined way of thinking, my life transformed.

I got a more rewarding amount done while ditching that nagging sense of failure and average results.

I’m not perfect. And let’s be honest, I slip up and have days when I take on more than I can chew.

But I now have the skills to manage what’s on my plate, what’s coming down the road, and what makes me truly, deeply happy.

If you’re ready to do this whole thing right and liberate yourself from your disempowering behavior, take the first step to a breakthrough and schedule a chat with me here.

Honestly, it’s crazy to think about how hard you work and not getting the results you deserve. And even crazier to think how long you’ve been feeling this way.

Here’s to getting more of the right things done, right now.



Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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