You Are The CEO Of Your Life. Remember??

As I think back on my life I realize the periods I’ve lost the MOST time are all due to the same thing.

Just ONE reason.

One mistake I made over and over.

It was when I settled.

I settled for far too long in almost every area of my life.

I settled for a terrible relationship.

I settled for a job that sucked my energy and soul.

I settled for a business that was misaligned with my true calling.

You think I would have learned after the first experience, right?!

It’s so frustrating to see other people settle for less than they deserve too.

When you’re swirling in the tornado of your situation you have no time or space or even air to think about how to change your circumstances or results.

Intellectually you know it doesn’t need to be “this bad” or “this hard” but physically and mentally you can’t pull yourself out of the hole you’re drowning in.

When you succumb to less than you deserve, you start to think this is the best that you can do.

And even worse, that you are out of options.

You don’t have time to find a new job. And who would hire you anyway?

You don’t have the energy to deal with a break-up. And what would you do alone?

You don’t have the courage to pivot your career. And what if it completely fails?

But if and when you finally do make the dramatic shift, you realize how much precious time you’ve wasted.

And you kick yourself for waiting so long and wished you’d take the plunge sooner.

It may not be all rainbows and unicorns on the other side, but it’s always better than what you settled for earlier.

Listen to me sweet friend, YOU are the CEO of your life.

If you don’t take control of your life, someone or something else always will.

You are the only one that can put an end to settling, an end to mediocrity, and an end to living less than.

You don’t have to work in a culture that deprives you of a social life.

You don’t have to accept every family invitation that is thrown your way.

You don’t have to appease the demands of others you’re close to.

You don’t have to stay in a toxic friendship or relationship.

You always have a choice.

As the CEO of your life, it is up to you to determine your life goals and to navigate your way to them.

I help ambitious and overstretched people make great use of their time and energy.

But I can’t do that if they continue to settle in the soul-sucking job or destructive friendship – refusing to put up any boundaries.

In different phases of my life, I’ve realized that it was up to me to lead my life to my vision.

As the CEO, I want to be the best I can be – because I deserve nothing less.

And I believe you do too.

Don’t convince yourself that you don’t have options.

Don’t believe there’s nothing else out there for you.

Don’t believe yours is the only house or neighborhood or career or job or friend circle or workgroup that you’ll be happy in.

It’s simply not true.

You’re just looking through the lens you’ve been viewing for a while so it’s hard to see another vision.

Great CEO’s take charge. They make tough decisions.

They get clear on what they really want…and forge a path to get there.

What do YOU want?

A rewarding career AND time for your family AND space to take care of your health AND the freedom to enjoy your friends?

It’s not a big ask.

It IS possible…when you’re large and in charge.

So I ask you, friend, are you showing up as the CEO of your life?

And if not, what belief is holding you back?

Shoot me an email and let me know. For reals. (

I believe in you and would love to hear your story.

To getting more of the right things done,



P.S. My Life In Control program is opening for enrollment next week and will only be open for five days. If you’ve had enough of the chaos and the overwhelm, and are ready to step into the CEO role, be sure to check out the details. You’ve worked too hard for too long to settle for less than you deserve.

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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