You can’t change people

One of the most common questions I get is,

“How do I get XX {insert any of the below} to change their organization/time management skills?

  • How do I get my colleague to change?
  • My best friend to change?
  • My boss to change?
  • My mom to change?
  • My roommate to change?

Maybe you can relate to these situations.

>> You create specifically named folders, but your co-worker just won’t correctly put her papers away.

>> You have an area for your husband’s keys, wallet, and other stuff, but the items never go where they should.

>> You give plenty of heads up about meeting, but your friend texts that they’ll be 15 minutes late as you drive into the parking lot.

If you want to know how to change the habits of your husband or your boss or your friend, or your mama – I have four words for you.

Good luck with that.

It’s not your job, and quite frankly, it’s not up to you to change anybody but yourself.

You don’t change people.

But there are a few things you CAN do to…influence them.

An influencer inspires or guides the actions or behaviors of others.

It’s not someone who forces change on somebody else.

When you find yourself in this frustrating position where people are not doing what you want, the first step is changing your mindset.

The Changer role usually does not end well.

The Influencer role is much more satisfying and rewarding.

Because you focus on YOU. You do you, Boo.

Here are three simple tips to become a pro influencer.

  1. Master your system.
  2. Lead by example.
  3. Communicate your successes.

Instead of focusing on others, focus your energy and time on YOU doing your best job.

As Gandhi said, Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Example: If you wish people would value meetings more, show them how.

  1. Master your system: Be intentional about invites, send resources ahead of time, and create your agenda.
  2. Lead by example: Follow your agenda, get back on track when people start rambling, and start and end on time.
  3. Communicate your successes: Let your team know the great results you get by running your meetings this way.

This takes practice.

People won’t change after one great meeting or one positive experience.

But by consistently showing up as your best, some of your awesome strategies will eventually rub off on others.

Move from the Changer to the Influencer.

It’s not your job to change people.

It’s your job to be the best you can be.

Are you ready for the challenge in 2025?




If you want to learn more about managing time and mindset, here are two options:

1) Let’s discuss training and coaching in your company right here.

2) Let’s discuss one-to-one coaching to help you master all your demands. Schedule a time here.

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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