You’re Smart, But Even You Can’t Know It All

I’m a master HGTV binge-watcher.

I’ve picked out my dream house in magazines.

I’ve scoured the web for the newest designs.

So when it came time to renovate our kitchen, I figured I knew what to do.

Buuuuuut…we were only going to do this once and needed to be sure we got it right – so we partnered with an interior designer. 

(I’m not gonna lie. Getting support was a hard pill to swallow.)

One issue that was driving us crazy was the barrage of cords and wires from everyone’s technology (phones, iPads, laptops, headsets, Kindles…) spewed all over our kitchen counters.

I had an idea to store them in one drawer and have a central charging station.

But our designer came up with a way better idea.

We each have our own drawer with our own charging stations so all our electronics and cords are organized by person…and out of sight.


Here’s what I learned.

Yes, I love HGTV, but I am not an expert in design.

I have some ideas, but not all of them, and certainly not the best or easiest ones.

And when an expert takes a subjective perspective on a challenge they bring both their experience and creativity to the solution.

In hindsight, it seems so obvious. I guess that’s why they’re experts. 😉 

You might also be dealing with a challenge and think as I did.

Maybe you’re feeling stressed, have too much to do, or are overwhelmed and you think, “I’ve read all the books. I’ve watched the videos. I’ve bought the planners. I know what to do.”

So you try a new scheduler, a highly-rated app, and sign up for emails.

All of which helps a little, but doesn’t give you the long-term solution you really crave.

So many amazing women get caught up in thinking “I should know how to do this!”

Of course, this prevents them from finding the best solution or keeps them stuck in a holding pattern for months, sometimes years.

I recognize how valuable my time is and how depleted stress leaves me.

So now, I think more strategically about finding solutions to personal challenges.

I think: “What is the best, most creative and simplest way to fast-track my results?”

I can tell you how it’s not.

It’s not me spinning my wheels, trying idea after idea that might work…someday.

It’s not me telling myself I’ll figure it out and depriving my family of presence or clarity.

It’s not me trying to piece together a system that someone else has already mastered.

On the other, more gratifying hand, it is me getting out of my own way…

…Reaching out for support…

…Calling in an expert.

I don’t feel bad or guilty about it.

I feel smart and worthy. 

I feel like I value my time and my energy. And therefore, I value my relationships…with myself and others.

I feel pride knowing that by investing in help I will get “there” (where ever there is) – faster, easier, and with more joy.

I feel a thrill in knowing I didn’t waste another minute on exerting energy, only to get sub-optimal results.

It’s probably taken me a decade too long to get here.

That’s the thing with a lot of high achieving women. We feel like we can, and should know how to do it all.

All. Of. It.

The healing, the learning, the sacrificing, the loving, the developing, the doing, the caretaking, the listening, the practicing, the seeking, the supporting, the figuring, the forgiving, and the up-leveling.

And in the process, we forget that no matter how smart we are, we can’t (and don’t need to) do it all.

It’s not necessary. It’s not smart. And it’s just not in our best interest.

So here’s what I want to know.

Are you spinning your wheels figuring out how to get your life under control?

Are you wasting precious time and energy struggling to manage your stress? Your email? Your schedule? Your distractions?

If so, it’s time for you to step into your own worth and get the support and expertise you are so deserving of.

It might be me, it might not. But we’ll never know until you take the first step.

Sign up for a time for us to chat here.

When you make room, you create space for something better.

Here’s to getting the right things done,



Got friends, clients, or colleagues who struggle with getting the help they need? Forward this email. They may need this encouragement more than you know.

Mridu Parikh

I help time-strapped go-getters who are overwhelmed by their demands and distractions, get more time and feel less stressed. I'm Mridu Parikh, Productivity Coach, Consultant, & Author. If you want to focus your time and energy on what matters most, you've come to the right place.

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